Pradeep Kumkar

Ph.D. Scholar

Department of Zoology and Fisheries

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague.        

Commission Member,

WCPA Freshwater : Network at IUCN

Email: kumkarpradeep[at]

Subject Editor

Check List - The Journal of Biodiversity Data 


Reviewer for

  • Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
  • Environmental Pollution
  • Aquaculture International
  • Acta Histochemica
  • Frontiers in marine sciences
  • Journal of Environmental Management
  • Hydrobiologia
  • Journal of Threatened Taxa
  • Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
  • Anatomical Records
  • Journal of Fish Biology
  • Thalassas

Favorite Quote

"Excellence is never an accident; it is the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, skillful execution and the vision to see obstacles as opportunities." - Aristotle