For students


Chris Blattman's "10 things not enough kids know before going to college"

Chris Blattman's "Writing Your Statement of Purpose"

How to send an email to a professor (also, more from Chris Blattman)

Greg Mankiw's "Advice for aspiring economists"

Noah Smith's post on "Is an economics PhD still a great deal?" (short answer: yes!)

Tatyana Deryugina's "Should you get a PhD?"


Both classes will focus on poverty from the lens of economics and discuss poverty traps, i.e. the barriers that prevent poor households from escaping poverty. However, the classes differ in a number of ways (and in fact, I’ve had students take both classes over the years and enjoy it):


(If you're thinking about applying to graduate school and would like advice, just ask! I am also happy to chat about internships and jobs.)

I frequently write letters of recommendation for students in support of applications for internships, jobs, and graduate school. If you'd like me to write you a letter of recommendation, think about whether I can write you the STRONGEST letter of recommendation possible. How well do I know you? Will I be able to be specific about you in the letter? Will my letter provide insight on skills or characteristics that the reviewers of the application will be interested in?

Generally, I can write you a stronger letter of recommendation if

1) You feel that you did well or to the best of your abilities in my course

2) I know you well (because you came in to office hours, because you took multiple courses with me, because I got to know you personally, because you worked with me in some capacity such as a tutor, grader, or research assistant)

Ideally you have done both! The second is more important than the first.

If you'd like me to write a letter of recommendation, you must email me or make an appointment to meet at least 4 weeks in advance. I will ask you for more information after we meet. You will be responsible for sending me reminders to submit the letters one week before and the day before the letter is due.

(See Chris Blattman's advice for letters of recommendation here.)


Jess Hoel's website, which includes a list of jobs in international development and/or economics