Portland Public Schools Music

Image credit: https://www.mainememory.net/artifact/23668

Welcome to the PPS Music Department's webpage. We hope you enjoy the video and audio content created by PPS music staff and students.

Here's a link to the all-city concert, held on March 12, just one day before we all went to "virtual school" for the remainder of the year. We were so fortunate to get this concert in! It was closed to the public, so the groups were each other's "audiences." It was kind of strange, but interesting, and the students did a terrific job! https://tightrope.portlandschools.org/vod/484-ALL-CITY-MUSIC-CONCERT-M-v1/vod.mp4

The first of a few "spring concert" videos. We learned a lot doing this, but we hope you enjoy the PHS/DHS band and choirs performing Samuel Hazo's arrangement of "Psalm 42."


(Please email sawtej@portlandschools.org with questions)

Our students are learning to play new instruments and trying different genres.


Virtual learning

"Aquarium" from "The Carnival of the Animals" by Camille St-Saens