Third Workshop on Engineering Processes and Practices for Quantum Software (PPQS' 24)

Co-located with  PROFES 2024, Estonia 

Workshop Focus 

Quantum Software Engineering (QSE) has emerged as a novel subfield within the broader discipline of Software Engineering (SE). It concentrates on the application of engineering processes and practices to effectively and efficiently design, develop, validate, and evolve quantum software (QSW) systems. While traditional SE processes and practices retain their relevance in the QSE context, they require adaptation to address the unique characteristics of quantum software.

The third edition of the Workshop on Engineering Processes and Practices for Quantum Software (PPQS'24) represents a forum to establish a vibrant community, fostering both academic research and industrial solutions centered on QSE principles and practices. This community is dedicated to advancing process-centric design, development, validation, deployment, and maintenance of quantum software systems and applications. The workshop invites high-quality, practical research contributions in various forms, such as empirical studies, industrial experience reports, and solution proposals, with a focus on process-centric QSE.

Types of Submissions

The workshop welcomes unpublished research studies both from academia and  industry focused on engineering processes and practices for quantum software systems and applications.

Submitted papers must conform to the Springer LNCS author guidelines. All papers must be submitted in PDF format according to the submission procedure. 

Submission Link: 

Important Dates (AoE zone)

