

Human Impact

Water Stewardship

What did your team and/or project do to impact water quality? Were you successful? Think about what makes your team/project special to your community.

8th graders will do a human impact study this spring on our local lake, Lake Adley, that consists of water testing, and looking at possible causes of imbalance of parameters in our lake.

Last fall, our 7th graders studied macroinvertebrates in Lake Adley, and did a simple biodiveristy index of the health of the lake. The lake seems to be pretty healthy, in terms of biodiversity. The eigth graders' study will piggy-back on work already done by the 7th grade.

Planting prairie plants at our school is a small step and example of more ecologically sound plantings, that are both useful, and ornamental. This in the long-run helps with water conservation at school (rather than watering a lawn), and water quality, as prairie plants do not require the fertilization of most cultivated plants.

Ecological Impact & Literacy (summarize table below)

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