These were well-above average students at selective schools (University of Illinois, Virginia Tech, Clemson), who did not necessarily lack writing skill, but had very negative attitudes towards writing. To cut to the chase, and to keep from repeating everything I cover in Why They Can\u2019t Write, rather than having students wrestle with the demands of trying to express themselves inside a genuine rhetorical situation (message/audience/purpose), they were instead producing writing-related simulations, utilizing prescriptive rules and templates (like the five-paragraph essay format), which passed muster on standardized tests, but did not prepare them for the demands of writing in college contexts.

I've tried everything I can think of to kill a running notebook that is stuck in a loop and nothing works. The Interrupt Kernel button is always grayed out, tried restarting the kernel through the command prompt (P Key) but this doesnt seem to do anything either. The only way I've figured out how to stop the process is to kill the entire application in task manager.

Pp killri

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Your individual skills play a critical role in changing the way the world works and helping us develop products that make it a safer place to achieve your goals. Our teams are made up of diverse employees from a wide range of disciplines and backgrounds, working together to tackle complex challenges and push the boundaries of innovation.

The second form of the kill command lists signal information.Either the -l or --list option, or the -tor --table option must be specified. Without anysignal argument, all supported signals are listed. The outputof -l or --list is a list of the signal names, oneper line; if signal is already a name, the signal number isprinted instead. The output of -t or --table is atable of signal numbers, names, and descriptions. This form of thekill command succeeds if all signal arguments are validand if there is no output error.

In response to social protests during April and May 2018, the Nicaraguan government adopted a strategy of violent repression not seen in the country for years. More than 70 people were reportedly killed by the state and hundreds were seriously injured. It is in this context, and with acts of repression continuing to take place in the country at the time of writing, that Amnesty International is publishing this report.

With CONNECTION_ADMIN or SUPER, you can kill all threads and statements, except that to affect a thread or statement that is executing with the SYSTEM_USER privilege, your own session must additionally have the SYSTEM_USER privilege.

ALTER TABLE operations that make a table copy check the kill flag periodically for each few copied rows read from the original table. If the kill flag was set, the statement is aborted and the temporary table is deleted.

The KILL statement returns without waiting for confirmation, but the kill flag check aborts the operation within a reasonably small amount of time. Aborting the operation to perform any necessary cleanup also takes some time.

During UPDATE or DELETE operations, the kill flag is checked after each block read and after each updated or deleted row. If the kill flag is set, the statement is aborted. If you are not using transactions, the changes are not rolled back.

The kill() function shall send a signal to a process or a group of processes specified by pid. The signal to besent is specified by sig and is either one from the list given in tag_hash_114 or 0. If sig is 0 (the null signal), error checking is performed butno signal is actually sent. The null signal can be used to check the validity of pid.

If the value of pid causes sig to be generated for the sending process, and if sig is not blocked for thecalling thread and if no other thread has sig unblocked or is waiting in a sigwait() function for sig, either sig or at least one pending unblockedsignal shall be delivered to the sending thread before kill() returns.

The semantics for permission checking for kill() differed between System V and most other implementations, such asVersion 7 or 4.3 BSD. The semantics chosen for this volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 agree with System V. Specifically, aset-user-ID process cannot protect itself against signals (or at least not against SIGKILL) unless it changes its real user ID.This choice allows the user who starts an application to send it signals even if it changes its effective user ID. The othersemantics give more power to an application that wants to protect itself from the user who ran it.

Some implementations provide semantic extensions to the kill() function when the absolute value of pid is greaterthan some maximum, or otherwise special, value. Negative values are a flag to kill(). Since most implementations return[ESRCH] in this case, this behavior is not included in this volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, although a conformingimplementation could provide such an extension.

There was initially strong sentiment to specify that, if pid specifies that a signal be sent to the calling process andthat signal is not blocked, that signal would be delivered before kill() returns. This would permit a process to callkill() and be guaranteed that the call never return. However, historical implementations that provide only the signal() function make only the weaker guarantee in this volume ofIEEE Std 1003.1-2001, because they only deliver one signal each time a process enters the kernel. Modifications to suchimplementations to support the sigaction() function generally require entry to thekernel following return from a signal-catching function, in order to restore the signal mask. Such modifications have the effect ofsatisfying the stronger requirement, at least when sigaction() is used, but notnecessarily when signal() is used. The developers of this volume ofIEEE Std 1003.1-2001 considered making the stronger requirement except when signal() is used, but felt this would be unnecessarily complex. Implementors are encouragedto meet the stronger requirement whenever possible. In practice, the weaker requirement is the same, except in the rare case whentwo signals arrive during a very short window. This reasoning also applies to a similar requirement for sigprocmask().

Existing implementations vary on the result of a kill() with pid indicating an inactive process (a terminatedprocess that has not been waited for by its parent). Some indicate success on such a call (subject to permission checking), whileothers give an error of [ESRCH]. Since the definition of process lifetime in this volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 coversinactive processes, the [ESRCH] error as described is inappropriate in this case. In particular, this means that an applicationcannot have a parent process check for termination of a particular child with kill(). (Usually this is done with the nullsignal; this can be done reliably with waitpid().)

There is some belief that the name kill() is misleading, since the function is not always intended to cause processtermination. However, the name is common to all historical implementations, and any change would be in conflict with the goal ofminimal changes to existing application code.

Fish kills and fish disease events in North Carolina often involve a host of factors and underlying causes. It is therefore crucial to gather as much information as possible surrounding an event from all involved parties. In 1996 the DWR Water Sciences Section (WSS), in consultation with Regional Office staff, Wildlife Resources biologists, and Division of Marine Fisheries personnel instituted a new fish kill investigation procedure to be used by the DWR Regional Offices, Monitoring Teams and other agencies to collect and track information on fish kills throughout the state. Fish kill and fish health data are recorded via standardized methods and sent to WSS where the data are reviewed. Fish kill investigation reports and supplemental information are compiled in a central database where the data can be managed, retrieved, and reported to state officials, scientists, and other concerned parties. Fish kill data is also reviewed as part of the DWR efforts to monitor water quality trends across the state.

Highlights of Mine KillState Park: Mine Kill State Park is the namesake of Mine Kill Falls, the signature, 80-foot terraced waterfall that regularly mesmerizes visitors to the park. Mine Kill Falls features a scenic hiking trail (part of the Long Path) from the parking lot down to its base. In addition, visitors get to enjoy a bird's eye view of the waterway along the platforms near the top of the trail. Hikers will thoroughly enjoy Mine Kill's 8 miles of trails, including to a 5-mile segment of the Long Path, a 350-mile long, marked foot path that runs from the George Washington Bridge in Fort Lee, NJ, to the John Boyd Thacher State Park west of Albany, NY. The Long Path links together several state, county and town parks on its journey along the Hudson, through the Catskills and toward the Adirondacks. Mine Kill is home to a wide variety of creatures, and that is thanks to its habitat diversity. Watch the forest change as you hike from towering stands of hemlock to lush floodplain forest filled with sycamore and birch. These trees serve as apartment complexes for all sorts of wildlife, including woodpeckers, bluebirds, bees, and more! Animals like to make their homes in rocky dens as well, and there are a few rock ledges and caves lurking around the park. On the other hand, there are plenty of wide open fields for birds, mice, bees, and butterflies to sift through, catching bugs, picking up pollen from our wildflowers, and munching on some grass. The park also features pristine grassland habitat, constantly-changing wetlands, and the Blenheim-Gilboa Reservoir, which is home to various native fish in addition to the walleye and trout it's stocked with annually. Keep your eyes open when you're walking around and think of what critters could call the area you're walking through home! Thanks to it's the diversity of its habitats, Mine Kill is home to a wide array of creatures. From native bees to migratory birds to black bears, there's something to see for every type of nature enthusiast. While you're out hiking the trails, make sure to stop and listen for the various sounds of the wild. Some common sounds are chipmunks rustling through the forest floor, bluebirds chattering across open grasslands, bald eagles conversating, pileated woodpeckers cackling, and occasionally the hooting of a barred owl. 

Look and listen for these birds atour Park: Bald Eagle Brown CreeperBlack-Capped ChickadeeChestnut-Sided WarblerEastern BluebirdEastern TowheeScarlet TanagerWild Turkey 

Mine Kill State Park is a designated stop on the NewYork State Birding Trail. Mine Kill's Bird Watcher's Checklist isavailable here. 

Everyone is a Steward: Be a Mine Kill State Park Hero!  Know the rules and concerns for the area you'll be visiting. Leave rocks, plants and other natural objects as you find them. Let nature's sounds prevail. Avoid loud voices and noises. Respect other visitors and protect the quality of their experience. Be courteous. Yield to other users on the trail.Observe wildlife from a distance. Do not follow or approach them. Never feed animals. Feeding wildlife damages their health, alters natural behaviors, and exposes them to predators and other dangers. Use extra caution when using headphones. You may not be able to hear warnings. Don't litter. 

Formore information, please read our Trail Tips! 

Ask a Naturalist! 

Q: What isemerald ash borer? 

A: Emeraldash borer (EAB) is an invasive wood-boring beetle native to Eastern Asia thatwas first identified in Canton, Michigan in 2002. As the name suggests, EABfeeds on ash trees, and while the ash trees that grow in its native range haveevolved to tolerate it, North American ashes lack the natural defenses to keepthe pest in check. This has allowed EAB to spread across the Eastern UnitedStates from Georgia to Quebec, Canada in the short time since its arrival,killing innumerable white, green, and black ash trees in its wake. EAB wasfirst found in Mine Kill State Park in 2020, and we've since taken severalmeasures to minimize its impact on our ash trees including biocontrol andselective cutting of infested ash trees. 

Q: What's sospecial about the fossils around here? 

A: Mine KillState park, as well as several other sites in Southern Schoharie County andGreene County, contains fossils of Earth's earliest forests! These fossilsdate back 390 million years to the late Devonian era, when the area that's nowthe Schoharie valley was a massive river delta that poured into the CatskillSea, an inland sea that covered most of what's now the Eastern United States.The banks of the delta provided the perfect conditions for Devonian plants togrow to tree-like proportions. Meanwhile, brachiopods, clams, and crinoidsformed thick beds of aquatic life in the shallow waters of the delta. 390million years later, these ancient organisms have remained in the Schoharie Valley,preserved indefinitely as fossils. If you want to see some for yourself, headto the base of Mine Kill Falls and look closely at the rocks there. If you'renot having any luck finding your own, stop by our Nature Center and look atsome of the fossils we have on display, or check out the Gilboa Fossil Museum10 minutes south of the park! 

Did You Know? 

- DID YOUKNOW? Mine Kill State Park is a stop on the Schoharie CountyEagle Trail! The best place to look for our national bird is the park's boatlaunch on the Blenheim-Gilboa Reservoir, which the eagles think we stock withtrout and walleye just for them. 

- DID YOU KNOW? TheSchoharie Valley was completely filled with water 15,000 years ago. During themost recent ice age, glaciers dammed up the Schoharie Creek near modern-dayMiddleburgh NY, filling the entire Schoharie Valley below with water. Duringthis period, Mine Kill State Park would have been almost completely underwaterand Vroman's Nose would have been a small island just 20 feet above thesurface! ff782bc1db

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