Honors / Awards


  • [PhysioNet Challenge 2020 Awardee] - Selected paper publication

  • [Travel Grant Awardee]: Selected to receive a Summer 2019 Graduate Student Association Travel Grant to travel to IEEE EMBC (Jul. 2019)

  • [PhysioNet Challenge 2019 Awardee] - Selected paper publication

  • [Unicorn Award Runner-Up, top 5 %]: Outstanding project titled "Cuff-less Blood Pressure Monitoring with a 3-axis Accelerometer" in UCSD CSE Research Open House (Jan. 2019) {link}

  • [Recipient of UCSD CSE Fellowship] (Sep. 2016 - Jun. 2017)

  • [Recipient of the Ministry of Science and Technology Research Scholarship]: My project titled "Innovative Signal Processing Technique" was funded by the government Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan. (Sep. 2014 - Jun. 2015)

  • [Outstanding Award of Neuroscience Program in Academia Sinica]: My project titled "Myelinated fibers propagation velocity generation and Hodgkin– Huxley model simulation" (Aug. 2014)

  • [Mayor's Award]: Graduated with outstanding academic records in high school (Jun. 2012)

  • [Silver Medal Awardee of International Math Tournament] (2008)


  • [Top Three in Autumn Cup of National Taiwan University]: Qualified to serve as a school tennis team player (Oct. 2014)