I do not wish to ask the user, where MS PowerPoint viewer is installed. I believe, it is not professional and relies on user making appropriate input. Instead, I would like to be able to identify the location of the installation directory on my own.

If you rephrase the question as "I would like to display a powerpoint in slideshow mode from within my C++ application." then it would be easy to achive this by querying the registered file handler and using the applicable COM object.

Powerpoint Viewer Mac Free Download

tag_hash_104 🔥 https://cinurl.com/2yjXJU 🔥

I am building a PHP application where the user upload Powerpoint files. I want the other users to view it online instead of downloading. (Using a third party apps like google docs might be a little cumbersome for the users) Is it possible to write a powerpoint viewer code in PHP?

You want to re-write Powerpoint in PHP? I'm gonna say... very difficult at best. There are, however, tools out there that make your life easier. Also, there's a "Save as web page" option in Powerpoint, so maybe you could have your uploaders save the powerpoint as a web page, and upload that output, which I would imagine would be pretty easy for you to subsequently put up on the web.


Thanks for providing OpenLP - we've used it at both our churches for a number of years now.  However we've always struggled with PowerPoint - to the extent that some folks are thinking of looking for an alternative to OpenLP.  

Our new Minister and also visiting guests, provide us with PowerPoint presentations on a Memory Stick.  We do not wish to pay for a full PowerPoint license on the presentation PCs.  We've never got either of the alternatives to work well ...

1) We have installed PowerPoint viewer.  The FAQ says that PowerPoint viewer 2010 does not work well.  I have tried PowerPoint Viewer 2007.  While this works stand-alone, when loading the PPTX file into OpenLP it always fails - giving a red X in the Presentation list.  Yes we have PowerPoint viewer ticked in the presentations set-up.

Question 1) Do later versions of PowerPoint Viewer work better ?  Any other ideas ?

2) We have installed the latest version of OpenOffice Impress.  While it 'kinda' works, the rending of even simple slides is poor, not matching the designers intention.

Question 2) Can we use LibreOffice Impress instead ?  Is this better ?  Any other ideas ?

We have had the same issues on the laptops at both Churches.

My current work-around is to take the presentation to a third machine which has full PowerPoint installed (my own at home), and converting the slides to images and using those.  However this means we need the presentation a while before the service, which is inconvenient, especially for visiting guests.  We also loose imbedded audio & video as well as transitions and animations.

Can anyone offer any help ?

Many Thanks,

          Stuart Poore

          from Reading, England.

In my current power apps project, I need the user to be able to view attached files within the app itself. I already can view PDFs and image files (by using an if statement to switch between PDF Viewer and Image), but I am currently unable to view docs or powerpoints within the app. I found examples online of people using a function called 'substitute' to convert the files to pdfs and work with pdf viewer, but so far the method has not worked for me. Does anyone know of other ways to convert files to pdf for the pdfviewer in powerapps, or just some other way in general to view word and powerpoint files in the app itself without opening a new tab?

Since the presentation, in the web part, is displayed using PowerPoint Online i think You will find the limitations that cause your problem here: -us/library/powerpoint-online-service-description.aspx

@Meg Simmons I have the same responsibilities in my organization also, have you made any progress figuring out how to render the slide shows on a Sharepoint Online page? I have been experimenting with image galleries that have animated gifs, interactive powerpoint presentations with animations and transitions saved as a show (I am having difficulty getting it to render as view only), but havent found a really scalable solution yet.

Edit: Ideally I was looking for a single viewer, but if it can't be done then what are the alternatives? Right now, I'm thinking about using fbi for everything (that would include extracting each slide as an image). I don't really like this solution, especially because fbi doesn't really support transitions between each photo (a simple fade-in would suffice).

nickfit, I would strongly recommend creating a html-based slideshow rather than a PowerPoint one. Installing something to a user's PC "without any input required from them" is a dangerous area to get into. What if the user already has PowerPoint installled and now ppt files are associated with the viewer? Just one person's feedback...

It's a little late for me to switch formats for this slide show. I've already completed it in Powerpoint and it took me weeks to do. The last time I did something like this was on Powerpoint 97. The viewer that came with that version worked very well. It would run right off of the CD with no installation necessary. If I could find or do something like that I think that would be ideal but if I can't I'd like to make the installation of the program as transparent as possible.

In your office life, the frequent office tool you always use is PowerPoint, especially in some meeting presentations. PowerPoint presentation is necessary to show your boss, partner, even your customers. So, a good-to-use PowerPoint viewer is very indispensable.

The built-in PowerPoint viewer is the Microsoft Office PowerPoint. If you install Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 on your computer, then you can open and read those PowerPoint files directly. However, PowerPoint Office does not always work well.

PowerPoint Viewer is the free to let you view full-featured presentations created in PowerPoint 97 and later versions with full fidelity. This viewer also supports opening password-protected Microsoft PowerPoint presentations.

If you use Mac, or want to view PowerPoint files on your iPad or Android phone, at this point, you may get stuck. Moreover, if you do not have the internet connection, you will find the online PPT viewer is not available. So the easiest way to open and read your slideshow is to convert your PowerPoint files into a video, which lets you view your PowerPoint files on the go. PowerPoint to Video Converter is the exact tool.

This page collects the best 4 PowerPoint viewers for Windows, Mac and online users. You can easily open a PowerPoint file without PowerPoint app. Moreover, you can view the PowerPoint files in the form of video on your any device.


I am converting my powerpoint files to images and then uploading to a database. Then I load the images and switch them on a timer, If I close the header, and footer on my project it results in the same effect as a power point presentation (minus the effects)

Viewer mode allows unlicensed users of Microsoft 365 Apps to view and print Office files without being prompted to activate Office. To use viewer mode, you must use a supported version of Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise.

When viewer mode is enabled, an unlicensed user of Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise isn't prompted to activate Office when they open Word, Excel, or PowerPoint. Instead, they see the following banner message underneath the ribbon in their Office apps that informs them Office is in viewer mode.

I recently made powerpoint 2007 viewer portable(with the sfx creator) and it works like a charm. My problem was that the regular powerpoint viewer 2007 installed in a default directory, and I couldn't change it. Therefore, I created the portable from that directory. I can now carry it on a usb stick. What's the advantage of that, you ask? well, I'm not allowed to install anything at school, and my school has an older version of office, whilst I really love to make my presentations in ppt 2007, which I can now do. Of course, I didn't need to tell you that

anyway, I was wondering: With the sfx creator thing( ) does the created/packaged application leave any traces at all? also, I'm pretty sure someone must have made pptviewer portable before I did... Did anyone do that? and if not, am I allowed to give it to friends? because it is freeware, but it still is proprietary software, and I'm not really into this legal thing.

I used to use OOO writer for quite some time (abiword after that), but I've always done my presentations in powerpoint. I'm downloading ooo.org right now to see how well impress works for me. Haven't tried it for ages. There was some stuff I really liked in powerpoint that was not in impress, but I'm sure it has improved a lot. Hope It'll do. And if it does, thanks a lot for the suggestion:)

Many teachers nowadays use PowerPoint slides for lectures and to aid students. Some teachers even go as far as emailing study material and lecture slides as PPT or PPTX files. Similarly, some product manuals and instructions sent by senior management can also be in the form of PowerPoint, along with statistical data. However, not everyone has PowerPoint installed on their computer. This is where PowerPoint viewing apps play a major role. Below are 5 best free PowerPoint viewers for viewing PowerPoint files.

Another good free PowerPoint viewer is the Microsoft Web App, which requires a Microsoft account to help you view MS Office files via SkyDrive. If you have a Hotmail (Outlook.com) account, you can also open Office files sent in email. Unlike the PowerPoint Viewer, this web app offers both viewing and some editing functionality with a lot of features available in the official PowerPoint application. Find out more from this post about the PowerPoint Web App.

This is a simple Chrome extension which allows viewing Microsoft Office files by dragging them to the Chrome web browser. Its quite a reasonable Office viewer and offers functionality to view PowerPoint, Word and Excel files. 0852c4b9a8

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