It's always been something I wanted to set up, I think I did some testing at one point, had some issues and never followed through. I just have each UPS set to Maximum Runtime and when it shuts down it shuts down. I think the issue was that the shutdown would hang, I think now that it was probably due to having the MMC open in Author Mode resulting in a prompt to save when trying to close it.

For you the answer is probably dependant on what is running on those servers. I'd probably script the shutdown locally on the server and then call that batch file from the Network Shutdown app, if it can do that.

Powerchute Network Shutdown 4.2 Download

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I've used powerchute at three sites for about 3 or 4 years. It does a good job, and i use it to shut down our DC's if the power is off for more than 20 minutes. It doesn't go as far as shutting down all the other servers though.

That's right, with the network mgmt card you only need to hook it to your network and assign an IP address. Then you install the network shutdown software on the server and "register" it with the UPS. If you go back to the UPS web console you'll now find the IP address to your server registered in there.

When your UPS hits the max runtime (or whatever setting you choose) it'll send a signal to all IP addresses in it's list and the software installed on the server will see that and perform a soft shutdown.

Very slick system and well worth the $250. The interesting thing about this, is you can register servers that are not even using that UPS (it has no way of knowing). So if you have 4 UPS's, just buy 1 card. Register everyone with the 1 UPS and then make sure that THAT UPS has the highest load (you don't want the other UPS's running out of power before the "master" triggers a shutdown) and you've got a pretty slick power mgmt solution.

WELL My day just got VERY INTERESTING!!! I was on the APC web interface and double checking to make sure all my settings were in place. And accidentally signaled a server shut down! Well as you might imagine I just took our whole network offline for about 20 minutes! At least I know its going to work now! TGIF

lol, at least you know it works ;-)

We're using the free version atm, will purchase the full version soon.

For that amount of server, you should definitely consider virtualizing, my choice is VMware.

Get an APC 3K UPS and add a couple of 3K batteries and you're good to go for some time. (You can stack up to 8 batteries, it's really cheap, check it out on their site). Using the software to manage shutdowns or make it run a script such as

shutdown -f -s -t 00 in order to make sure it shuts down.

Different shutdown time for each groups of servers: shutdown Exchange, file servers, database servers before DC's.

^^ What I'm going to do after I finish the VM implementation ^^

APC shutdown software is available for Linux Redhat and can be installed on VMware ESX (not ESXi). Change the power off behavior of your VM's from power off to "Shut down guest" and VMware will handle the shutdown for you... (though you may still have to do some scripting if you have a specific shutdown order you want)

Ensure your using the latest Powerchute and you can schedule a script to run on X percent battery remaining when power is lost. This is a simple batchscript so you can stop services using "Taskkill" command and shutdown using the "shutdown" command.

You should have the network shutdown software in place with the management cards. We use it at all of our clients and it works great. I would not recomend the auto restart simply because power has been known to come on for a bit and then shut down again in their repair process. We usually have a notifcation sent out that they are down, and then someone monitors the battery charge when it comes back up. Don't be too eager to jump the gun after a power outage. You should be doing a couple of things out of the gate here.

4) Do an actual shutdown one evening or weekend. You need to see how long your run time is, and make sure the shut down configuration actually works. Then, you need to have a chance to see what it is like to bring these up remotely. Do not attempt to bring up your servers if the battery recharge is below your threshold. They will shut right back down, For example, if you have your battery threshold set at 10%, you may want to wait until 15% before you have them back up.

With this setup the right way, they will usually not know they have been down. If you find run time on the batteries is short, you will probably want to reduce the load. Also, make sure your main router and switch path to the servers is on an APC by itself with a rediculously long runtime. If everything is off, and you can not remote in to check network management status, none of it does you any good. So make sure you can get to your APC's Management Cards, and the router and switch are also kept up longer too. This also helps to prevent Internet outage problems too. (IE: Your circuit did not come up without someone doing a power off of the equipment or something stupid) Obviously this would not help with the ice storm scenerio, but you seem well aware of what it takes to get a generator in place if it is deemed as a business need.

Where I used to work, we had a happy medium between Limey's and Orl's worlds. We had rackmount APC 2200XLs for 2 servers each. And the Network Management software setup on only one of them with a NIC, the one with the lightest load. From there we had the Network Management Software installed on all the servers (and some workstations too), and configured to shutdown each server based on how long its individual battery runtime and shutdown completion time was. We paired similar servers together, like SQL and Exchange on one w/an extra battery pack. We had the automatic power-up configured for 30% battery capacity, since that was enough to hold Exchange up for another orderly shutdown. You just have to time it and do some calculations. And weigh that with how long you want to wait after you are sure the power is stable to bring your network back up again.

Network shutdown works well. You install the client on your server, then on the UPS web admin, you tell the ups which servers to shutdown. You can have a ups manage all of the shutdowns, even if the servers are not plugged into it. We have five UPSes in a group, so they are easier to manage.

6. VERY IMPORTAND: go to: Configure Shutdown and make sure that: Turn off the UPS after the shutdown finishes is ONLY ticked on the server that will take the most time to shutdown. All other have to be un-ticked.

I have an APC UPS 1500 with the optional Ethernet management card. My Synology NAS devices use SNMP to query the UPS and will gracefully shut themselves down when the UPS is low on battery. I never quite got round to configuring PCNS to shutdown the Esxi hosts so after the last power incident it became a high priority. The plan was install PCNS on VMware vMA to register with the management card on the UPS as a PowerChute client. Upon the UPS running on battery and with the run time remaining threshold exceeded, execute a script that will gracefully shutdown both my VMware Esxi hypervisors. I thought this was going to be fairly simple?

Anyway, I found a resolution to the issue by using an awesome script that you can find here. The script was written by William Lam in perl and uses SOAP commands to emulate the vSphere client logging into the host and executing the graceful shutdown. Cool, and no vSphere licence required!

As mentioned previously I had issues with executing the perl script with PCNS using arguments. The original perl script written by William Lam can shutdown a list of hosts using an argument which references a file containing the list of hosts to be shutdown. Below is the modification I made to the script to enable me to specify my host directly in the perl script. Locate the section in the script as below:

4) Set PCNS to execute the below script when configured thresholds are met. For Esxi host1 I chose to have PCNS run the script when the run time remaining on batteries is 30 minutes. For host 2 shutdown when 15 minutes remaining. Staggering the shutdown enables me to squeeze a bit more life out of the batteries on the UPS. I have vMA installed on each of my Esxi hosts with PCNS installed separately on each.

The problem is that as we do not have an equal load on each server the batteries drain at different rates. This means that the UPSs both get to the specified low battery duration at completely different times. The problem here is that UPS 1 may have run down to 5 minutes and is in desperate need of initiating a Powerchute shutdown - UPS 2 still has 25 minutes of runtime so no shutdown is initiated. Consequently UPS 1 goes down and takes all the servers with and then shuts down UPS 2 as well! What we need to happen are 1 of either 2 things:

Now it's a while (years) since I've tested this setup with devices that only have a single UPS, but my recollection is that the sync control will mean that the UPSes shutdown at the same time, and each UPS will send a signal to PowerChute Network Shutdown to shutdown the server.

I need to know how to test PCNS 2.2.1 for VMware and Windows to ensure it will work when we have a power outage. I have tried the option "Simulate Power Failure" from the Web management card but that does not seem to send the shutdown signal to the servers.

can also be done by not installing the PCNS Software on the guests. Simply go to the VI-GUI Host Configuration tab and there configure the "Virtual Machine startup/shutdown" sequence. Test was also done by pulling the plug and then the "server shutdown" command of the APC to the ESX-host let the host shutdown all guest gracefully and then shutdown itself. e24fc04721

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