Excel is the most popular business app in the entire world. Everyone who works in an office understands what the app is and knows the basics of how to use it. Including an editable table that is designed similar to an Excel spreadsheet is an excellent addition to many Power Apps. It provides users an efficient way of doing data entry and makes them feel comfortable with a concept they already know. Unfortunately, Power Apps does not have this feature built-in.

In this two-part series I will show you how to build an Excel-style editable table in PowerApps. Part 1 will show you how to setup the table, edit values and save changes back to a datasource. Part 2 will focus on how to add new records and delete existing records.

Employees require the ability to edit values in the table and save them back to the SharePoint list. To ensure the best app-performance possible we only want to update records that were changed. We will track this by inserting a toggle called tog_isChanged on the right-side of the gallery. 

Powerapps Download Gallery To Excel

Download File 🔥 https://bltlly.com/2y4ACk 🔥

Then insert this code into the OnSelect property of the Save icon and its associated label. It will loop through the gallery looking for any changed records, store them in the colUpdates collection and then patch multiple rows to SharePoint simultaneously to achieve the best performance.

I have the same error msg. I have run the app onstart and verified that the blank collection exists. The error in the formula says that patch is expecting a record as the second parameter. I am authoring in powerapps for teams in case that makes a difference. Thanks for your assistance

Hi Matthew,

Thanks for the amazing description, and I am using this video to build an application. The only difference is I have many more columns than this and it gets a horizontal scroll. Can you suggest a way to achieve this. I am using containers for horizontal scrolls but not able to find controls that are in scrollable part of gallery.

Then there is the daily lunch special which is stored in an excel file that will be updated weekly by the Cafeteria. This is an Entity in PowerApps called Test_Data which is an excel sheet with two columns for date and the respective special.

I am trying to display a screen that has the lunch special on top and then all of the static items below all in one Gallery (doesn't necessarily need to be a gallery, just something with a continuous scroll). I am finding the lunch special for that day using:

Hello everyone. I have an Excel table in OneDrive connected to a PowerApp gallery. One column in the Excel table is 'week starting' and a date in format mm/dd/yyyy. Other columns are people's names. I want to filter to a specific date, example 06/11/2018, and bring back the results from the other columns.

My problem is that even though the Excel column is formatted as date and only includes the date (not time), PowerApps brings back a time value as well (example: PowerApp returns 06/11/2018 7:00 PM instead of just the date). I do not know where it's getting this time value. So, when I do my filtering on the gallery, I can never seem to get a specific date. I have to choose 'greater than or equal to' or it will return zero results:

Big shock / same problem. The card IS in the gallery, but none of the data is visible on the card. I can click on the card and get the ThisItem data returned to a field / variable, so I know it's all there. Appears to be an issue with components in PowerApps in-tandem with the gallery control.

As a result, I decided to add a timer and it appears as if it may have fixed the issue. Am allowing one second between the population of the dataset that fuels the parameter that fuels the component's gallery and resetting of the form.

Having a dashboard screen with gallery control and with all required filter options is a very common use case in PowerApps app. For every process such dashboards are required so that users can view and manage the records. Sometimes users need those records with all the columns from the backend to be exported to an excel file so that they further analyze the data easily using excel features.

There is no direct connector in PowerApps to export the data to an excel file, so we must trigger a FLOW from PowerApps and generate the CSV file in OneDrive or SharePoint, and respond back with URL of the generated file.

Iterate through gallery items using concat and concatenate functions in PowerApps, generate a JSON string and pass it to FLOW. In the FLOW, parse the JSON string -> Create CSV file and respond back the URL of CSV file.

Add a camera control or add image media control to your app. For this test, I choose the add image media control. You also need a button to start the upload process, and if you want, you can also add a gallery to show the uploaded images.

Do you want to filter a Power Apps gallery based on dropdown selection? If this is the case, then recently we published an article that described how to filter a gallery using a Power Apps dropdown control. We recommend you follow that link to get the answer.


Thank You for good tutorial.

I have a question. How I can to combine search in gallery (dropdown list and/or searchbox)?

When i use this search separatly all works fine. How I can add both search to one gallery?

Before diving into the export process, design your PowerApps and prepare the data that you want to export You can export data from Gallery/ data table to excel in PowerApps with the following method. This could be information from SharePoint lists, SQL databases, or other data sources. e24fc04721

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