At the district level, you can configure the grading preferences and calculations for a single school or multiple schools to provide grading consistency and to save teachers from having to set up the preferences in PowerTeacher Pro for each section they teach.

Categories are groups of the same types of assignments. Create a list of the available grading categories at the District Office. These categories can be made available for teachers at different schools to use when grading. The district sets different category attributes, but some attributes are available for the teacher to set in PowerTeacher Pro.

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After categories are created, they appear on the Gradebook District Categories for Teachers page. This page displays basic information about the category and allows you to set the sort order of how the categories are displayed for teachers in PowerTeacher Pro. The categories also appear in PowerTeacher Pro and are available for teachers to use.

Administrators can set the minimum assignment value to set a specific threshold for traditional assignment grades. When set at the district or school level, if a teacher enters a grade below the minimum value the score will be automatically converted to the minimum value and the teacher receives a notification that the score has been adjusted.

Admins can choose to allow teachers to edit specific weighting for standards for a selected term. This gives teachers the flexibility to maintain and manage weighting that calculates to the traditional final grade. On the Edit [School] Final Grade Calculation Settings page, click Teachers Can Edit Specific Weighting for Standards to enable this feature.

Admins can choose to allow teachers to edit grade scales for their classes. This gives teachers the ability to effectively assess their students' ability with the teacher's preferences. On the Grade Preferences for Schools page, click Teachers Can Edit Grade Scale to enable this feature.

Activating this feature allows teachers to adjust the cutoff value, default value, and color level for each grade scale item associated with the district grade scale assigned to the class. Teachers cannot add new grade scale items to the district grade scale, but they can choose to ignore grade scale items.

When you remove teachers' ability to edit grade scales, you need to know who has utilized the class grade scales feature. You must notify those teachers that those custom grade scales are deactivated so they can recalculate their grades.

Select Teacher List to display the teachers and course sections for which custom grade scales have been created. A check indicates course sections that have active custom grade scales.

When all standards scores are valid indicators of performance, the teacher may not care about the specific points possible. This is especially true if there are high point value assignments from early in the semester, and the students have grown tremendously since that time.

Use this feature to determine when a reporting term should be locked to prevent teachers from updating grades. The user role must have the Manage Locked Reporting Term setting enabled. This feature is intended for PowerTeacher Pro sections only.

The Verified Date displays the date that the final grade status was last updated. The date is displayed even if the teacher clears the Final Grades are Complete selection. Use the Verified Date and the Verified Status to determine if the teacher has submitted the completed final grades.

PowerTeacher is the PowerSchool teacher portal. In PowerTeacher, teachers can record attendance, review student data, print reports, and access the PowerTeacher Pro (PTP) gradebook. In PTP, teachers can view classes, create assignments, enter assignment scores, analyze student performance, and print reports.

For assistance with PowerSchool and PowerTeacher access, contact the SIS Contact in your school's front office.

For assistance with PowerTeacher and the PowerTeacher Pro gradebook, contact the designated teacher training lead at your school.

When they run a missing assignment report it will not open and we get an error. It is only for this teacher and it does not matter which computer or browser. They keep saying it is computer related and when I explain it is not and that I have even logged in on a network outside of the school they say they will get back and never do.

Communication educators have taken a well-known typology of power and applied it to teachers. According to this theory-based schematic, individuals exert influence over other individuals based on five different sources of power.

The application of these sources of power to the teacher-student relationship is well explained in this article: Schrodt, P., Whitt, P.L., and Truman, P.D. (2007). Reconsidering the measurement of teacher power use in the college classroom. Communication Education, 56 (3), 308-332.

We're currently working to ensure that all of the final grading functionality that existed in PowerTeacher Gradebook is available for our customers in PowerTeacher Pro, including the ability for teachers to edit the grade scales associated with their courses and how standards can be weighted when calculating a traditional grade. We are also working on expanding reporting capabilities to include reports from PowerTeacher Gradebook, including the missing assignment report and others, as well as other features, such as previewing the effects of an assignment grade on a student's final grade.

As a longtime user of the PowerSchool SIS, I was really expecting that the functionality from PTG iwould already have been added to PowerTeacher Pro by now. Afterall, it's been three years since the transition. We were an early adopter of PTP and paid the price (disgruntled teachers) about the lack of and missing functionality of the product.

It is disappointing to see that some beneficial features were lost when we moved to PTP. Using Groups in coursework is a vital part of learning and it's most helpful to the teacher to be able to add the groups into the gradebook system.

It would certainly be helpful to have this feature back from the old PTG gradebooks. With all of the unique scheduling scenarios that teachers will be encountering this year due to Covid, the ability to group their students for tracking purposes is more important than ever! The teams grouping only helps them when it comes to taking attendance. Any way to move this up in the development queue would be very much appreciated.

Once you've saved the form, all courses in your schools that are mapped to PowerSchool will have the PowerSchool grade item passback app for teachers in the left menu of the course profile. Instructors can use the app to sync grades.

There currently isn't a way to install the PowerTeacher app for specific courses. If there are some sections in Schoology not mapped to PowerSchool, the app will still install in the course. In this case, the teacher can simply elect not to use the app.

Whenever students and teachers come together for the purpose of learning there are certain social dynamics that takes place. Among these dynamics is the role of social power, which is the ability to influence others. French and Raven describe five types of social power. They are expert, referent, legitimate, reward, and coercive power. Understanding how these forms of social power influence the classroom environment is important for teachers as they seek to support and help their students.

Expert power is the knowledge and experience a teacher brings with them into the classroom. Teachers with this form of power not only know their "stuff" but also can express it in a way that is clear to the students. In addition, teachers with expert power are comfortable in the classroom and bring energy into the learning environment through their joy of teaching. When students can tell that a you know what you are doing it gives you, as a teacher or a leader in another profession, some authority and right to lead them. If a teacher does not know what they are doing, students may not want to follow them. The point is a teacher must know their stuff, and express it confidently and clearly to their students.

Referent power is a measure of how much students like and respect a teacher. This form of power can be developed through being fair and concerned about students. Not only does a teacher need to have expertise but they also must show warmth and care for their students. Examples of relationship building includes providing beneficial feedback, talking with students about matters outside of school, and even having high expectations. This combination of subject knowledge and caring could contribute to academic success. Love and respect are not exclusive concepts but are connected and the combination of these in the classroom is critical for developing power. To summarize, show them that you care and that you want them to succeed.

A position that natural confers power is called legitimate power. By just being a teacher, a person has a certain amount of authority over their students. However, this form of power does not last long with children. As they become comfortable, the students will begin to test the teacher unless he or she develops other forms of power such as expert and or referent power. There is a saying that goes "familiarity breeds contempt" and this helps to explain the short-term influences of legitimate power. This form of power is useful in the beginning to exert influences but requires support from other sources of power or influence. To put it plainly, your position gives you a temporary amount of power in the beginning but this does not last.

Reward power is the ability to provide approval, privileges, or some other form of compensation. Reward power can be connected with operant conditioning in that rewards could be given when the student demonstrates appropriate behavior. When students complete assignments, maybe the teacher gives them a star. When students are quiet, perhaps they get to go outside early. Reward and referent power could be thought of as closely related because rewards can be used to develop relationship. This due to the desire of many people to reciprocate acts of kindness. Most teachers have many forms of reward at their disposable, however, it is also important to remember that if the students do not value the rewards, it means that the teacher cannot use them as a form of power. To make my claim in one sentence, rewards are a form of power that teachers can use to maintain their leadership and authority. 006ab0faaa

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