Identify missed business opportunities, find untapped niches, uncover low-competition long tail keywords and discover exactly what people are actively searching for in any market or niche.
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What is Power Suggest Pro?
Integrated with major authoritative and strategic sources including Google (#1 search engine), YouTube (#1 video sharing site) and Amazon (#1 online retailer), Power Suggest Pro gives you the true bird's eye view of what millions are actively searching for every single day and enables you to discover opportunities unknown to your competitors.
What Does It Mean For Your Business?
The only way to get these raw search terms is from the keyword suggestions of search engines. Doing this manually is extremely tedious and time-consuming. With Power Suggest Pro, you'll extract thousands of these keywords in seconds with just a few clicks. It is almost like having "consumer language" at your fingertips and that really opens up a whole new world of opportunities and profits for your business.
What Does It Mean For Your Internet Marketing Efforts and Online Presence?
Whether you are building an authority blog, a niche website or an online business website, Power Suggest Pro will boost your content marketing and keyword research efforts by uncovering highly effective and descriptive long tail keywords that actually bring in traffic and increase profits.
"Every business owner and marketer should have this software." - Narelle Bailey, Australia
Why is Power Suggest Pro one of the Best Keyword Research Tools?
There are very few places where you can discover keywords that people are typing into search engines. One of the most popular sources is the Google Keyword Planner. Almost every keyword research tool on the market is actually based on data from Google Keyword Planner. Unfortunately, the keywords you'll find in Google Keyword Planner are often too general and not descriptive enough as their real intentions are for use with paid advertising on the Google Adwords platform. On the contrary, keyword suggestions which are used by search engines to predict what users are going to type, offer the most relevant, descriptive and effective keywords available. These are exactly the type of keywords Power Suggest Pro is built to find. The Single Game-Changing Tool For SEO and Content Creation
If you want to get traffic from Google and other search engines to your website, your website needs to have contents created around keywords that your audience is already using when looking for similar contents, products or services. The best way to discover these keywords, as proven by thousands of successful websites, is to use the very keywords that are auto-suggested by search engines. There's a reason why these keywords are so effective: they are exactly what people are searching for. When you create contents around these keywords, the high relevancy of your contents will be rewarded with significantly increased rankings on search engines, thereby boosting search traffic to your website. Find Ultra-Relevant Keywords with Wildcard Search
One of the most powerful features of Power Suggest Pro lies in its unique capability to find keywords by using the asterisk character as a wildcard. What this means is that you can effectively get Power Suggest Pro to "fill in the blank" for the exact type of keywords you are looking for. Imagine entering "best * for small business" and getting hundreds of keywords that represent products and services small business owners are not only looking to buy, but also willing to pay a premium for. How about entering "is eating * good for health" to find keywords that are perfect for attracting traffic to a website on healthy diet? The possibilities are truly unlimited. This powerful method of keyword research will yield a large number of highly relevant and descriptive keywords that cannot possibly be found with other keyword tools. Generate a Better ROI with your Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising
When you target your ads based on keywords that people are typing into Google or other search engines, these precise keywords will bring the right audience to your website. And when you display your ads to people who are searching for these exact keywords, you will get higher click-through rate (CTR), lower cost-per-click (CPC) and higher conversion rates. As a result, you will spend less money on advertising and generate a better return on investment. For a list of search tactics you can use to uncover a plethora of keywords and insights, check out our Search Tactics Cheatsheet here. Read The Minds of Any Target Audience
Understanding the needs of potential customers enables you to offer related products and services, or improve your existing products and services to attract more clients. The more you know about your potential customers, the more effective your sales and marketing efforts will be, and the more you will be able to create a product or service that is aligned to their needs. With a knowledge of commonly-asked questions in the niche, you can even answer them on your website before you are asked, to attract new customers.
Find Lucrative Niches Within Markets
You see, if you could tweak your product or service to create a version for a particular niche within your market, you will appeal to prospects in this niche and can instantly command a higher fee or premium. People want what they perceive is for them, preferably exclusively for them. When you focus on a viable niche, not only do you magnetically attract lots of prospects in that niche, you'll often also attract opportunities knocking on your door from other niches. Power Suggest Pro helps you uncover the numerous niches within markets, enabling you to target precise segments of audience in any market. When there's something unique about your product or service that makes niche customers say, "yes, this is for me!", that's the one they are going to buy. There are often so many niches you can find in a single market that you will often come across several that are being neglected, overlooked or poorly serviced. Now, these are low-hanging fruits and you'll always find these opportunities in our world of infinite choices.
Discover New Opportunities in Pain Points
Offering a product or service that provides the solution to a problem that people are already looking to solve is clearly the fastest and surest way to success. With guesswork taken out of the equation, you'll never build a business based on "hope" again. There are so many ways to uncover the pain points of people using Power Suggest Pro that you will probably never run out of profitable business ideas again.
Uncover More Long Tail Keywords Than Ever
Consider the following keywords: "home remedies for bed bugs" and "how to overcome anxiety". They are considered long tail keywords as compared to much more competitive core keywords like "bed bugs" and "anxiety". An important yet rarely discussed trait of a long tail keyword is a clear user intent. Some SEO professionals may solely focus on ranking pages but that is merely the beginning of the game for businesses. What really matters is whether they are ranking for the right keywords that convert a visitor into a customer. The final goal in most cases is to increase conversions: to make people click, to make them buy, enquire or subscribe... to make people commit to some action on a website that ultimately converts to revenue.
For instance, when someone searches for "bed bugs", you have very little idea why the user is searching for that. Is the user looking for a solution to a buggy problem? Or is the person looking for general information about bed bugs? Perhaps, the user is just doing a study on bugs. On the other hand, when someone searches for "home remedies for bed bugs", the user intent is much clearer: He's probably looking to get rid of the bugs. There's an instantly higher chance of being able to "sell" a bed bug related product or solution. Long tail keywords can be wonderfully revealing. You can almost always be certain what the user is looking for. Targeting core keywords like "beg bugs" or "anxiety" is rarely going to yield great results even with their high search volumes. In addition, the competition will be monstrous. Clearly, a better strategy than getting a web page ranked high for a difficult keyword is to get multiple web pages ranked high for different long tail keywords with clear user intents. You'll have much less competition and more buyers. The best of both worlds, don't you think?
Power Suggest Pro is a long tail keywords powerhouse. By using data from 6 massive search engines, you will be able to find significantly more long tail keywords than with Google Keyword Planner or typical keyword research tools which are usually based on the former. Targeting long tail keywords that can't be found by other tools means even lower competition. Take "user intents" into consideration and these keywords can give a serious boost to your website traffic and conversions.
The #1 Tool For Revealing Buyer Keywords
Tip: Don't be thrown off by words like "cheap" or "affordable". Many people would not give them a second look. Little do they know that keywords with words like "cheap" convert really well. Most people searching for "cheap laptops" have already decided they want a laptop. They are just looking for one in a certain price range. If you could bring your website to their attention at this point and if they find your contents useful, several of them may well buy from you or through you (if you are an affiliate). With support for Amazon and eBay in addition to the major search engines, there simply isn't a better tool for uncovering tens of thousands of lucrative buyer keywords you will need to get in front of buyers before they "swipe" their cards.
"Power Suggest Pro is going to save me a lot of time, be ahead of others and advance my business."
- Ron Debiec, Pennsylvania, USA
" Power Suggest Pro is so quick and easy to use yet the results are spectacular."
- Aaron Simons, Australia
First-of-its-Kind Search Engine Results Tally
Quickly tell the source(s) of each keyword result for searches performed using several search engines. The numbers in each row indicate the number of times the specific keyword was found by the respective search engines. Click on the column header, "Σ" and keywords that were simultaneously found on multiple search engines will appear at the top of the list, enabling you to identify popular keywords.
More Than 150 Search Ideas Built Right In
Power Suggest Pro comes integrated with a starter list of over 150 search ideas designed to help you get your creative juices flowing in no time. Organized into 3 categories: "Informational", "Solutions Seeking" and "High Buyers Intent", these search ideas are excellent for getting started quickly. However, do keep in mind that this list represent but a small subset of the infinite search possibilities of Power Suggest Pro.
Extensive Suffix and Recursive Search
Power Suggest Pro supports 3 suffix options: "none", "a-z", "aa-zz" for light, normal and intensive searching respectively. When the recursive option is enabled, each keyword in the first set of results will be automatically searched to quickly reveal any sub-niches or sub-topics.
Localize Your Search With Geotargeting
If your target market resides in a specific country or if you are exploring unique opportunities in other parts of the world, geotargeting allows you to narrow your search to a particular country. This enables you to get results that reflect the unique desires, needs and pains of the people in the selected country.
Not forgetting the little things that might come in handy...
Easily export keywords to Google Keyword
Planner if you need to check search volumes
Quick links to popular
services and tools
Save keywords from search results
directly in Power Suggest Pro
for easy future references
Spot Hot Trends with Hashtags Search
Simply enter "#" as your search term and you'll uncover a list of the latest popular hashtags. Hashtags are widely used on social networks like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Google+ and Pinterest to tag contents to topics. With the most current widely-searched hashtags at your fingertips, you can leverage on these hot trends, topics or happenings in the world to create viral contents that boost traffic and engagement.
Find 1000s of Popular Websites In Any Country
Enter "www." as your search term, target a specific country and you'll uncover a long list of popular websites for the selected country. While you can get the top few hundred websites of any country from certain sources, Power Suggest Pro allows you to find thousands of popular websites in any country, enabling you to discover advertising or partnership opportunities, and identify popular products and services in any part of the world.
"A single nugget of golden insight or keyword from this tool will pay for itself over and over."
- Robbie Hunter, Florida, USA
Get Power Suggest Pro for $97
Only $57
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