News & Announcements!
All students have their animals for San Diego Fair and are working hard to prepare them for the show!!! Visit our Booster Calendar here for detailed dates. Calendar
San Diego County Fair Auction Info!!!
6/29 at Noon
You can also support FFA students by contributing with an "add on bid". This will go direct to the student above and beyond what their animal sells for.
San Diego Fair Dates
6/23 Small Animal Market Show
6/25 - 6/30 Market Week (large animals)
FFA Farm Stand Eggs Delivered - While supplies last, $10 per dozen delivered anywhere in Poway email our Booster president to schedule your delivery
Farm Fresh Organic Produce Home Delivery
ONGOING! Use our code POWAYFFA to donate at no extra cost to you. Farm Fresh - Join Anytime!!
Pura Vida Bracelet Sales - ONGOING $8 each, green & grey or blue & gold. Contact any FFA Officer to get yours!
Direct Donations!
If you or someone you know would like to make a monetary donation direct to Poway FFA, please write your check to Poway High Foundation and write Poway FFA in the memo line or use the link below to pay thru the online portal
Poway FFA Boosters would like to thank our community for all the support!!
Summit Electrical Inc