Research projects

Quantum information with trapped ions

We carry out quantum computing and quantum simulation experiments with a string of ions confined in a linear Paul trap. We are interested in the following topics:

    • Robust control of the ions' internal and external degrees of freedom

    • Realization of high-fidelity quantum gates

    • Implementation of hybrid quantum-classical algorithms

    • Investigation of quantum many-body physics of a spin system

Nanofabrication of quantum computing chips

We develop scalable quantum devices using state-of-the-art nanofabrication technologies. Our research group aims to fabricate and characterize:

    • Scalable ion-trapping chips

    • Superconducting qubits with long coherence times

    • CMOS-based quantum devices

    • Neuromorphic semiconductor devices

Atom-cavity quantum interface

The goal of this project is to develop an atom-cavity quantum network node. Planned research topics include:

    • Atom-photon entanglement at high fidelities

    • Reversible coherent state transfer between single atoms and photons

    • Implementation of quantum network protocols

    • Monitoring and stabilizing a qubit state via weak measurements