still, life

I am perched high on the third floor of a home at the top of a hill in Cincinnati, Ohio. I have been staring out this window for hours everday, for weeks on end. Since the stay at home order went into place due to COVID-19, I have spend my time working in the same spot watching the world from a single vantage.

With so much time to observe, I have come to appreciate the subtle changes of each day. With life slowing down to a near stop, I'm learning to find interest in the small markers of time, the season, and shifting weather.

Since April 7th I have been documenting the view from my window, learning to find daily inspiration from this singular view. Mirroring my life during these times, these drawings, collages, and paintings mark a turning inward and slowing down. They are moments of pause and reflection on a comforting constant during a time of uncertainty and change.

April 7, 2020


My first attempt at drawing my window. I used markers and paint makers to layer color.

This felt like a very basic, straight forward place to start with this process.

I've never been a particularly strong drawer, this reminded me how out of practice I am.

April 8, 2020


Sticking with a more realistic style for now, until I get bored or frustrated with trying to render things a certain way.

I tried to loosen up today, allow for a more childlike look. I wish I had left it pencil only. Adding the color was a maybe a mistake.

April 9, 2020


This one was fun.

I am enjoying working on tree shapes and I think I'm getting better! I am really starting to enjoy this meditative time built into my day. Time has become so strange and irregular during quarentine.

It's nice to have a designated time to just sit and work on something with low expecations.

April 10, 2020


For a seperate project I have been working with water color, a medium a don't typically use or feel very comfortable with.

It felt good to break out of a representative model. I like how the woven paper reminds me of the panes on the window. Each individual pane in the grid can become its own composition.

At this moment in the spring there are still many orange and brown leaves. The pallete outside is particularly wide lately.

April 13, 2020


Today I decided to go with what I know and worked on this paper collage.

I kind of wonder why I didn't start with this material, since it is typically my favorite. I like how non-commital the paper is, I can cut, recut, discard and move around peices of the composition without leaving a permanent mark.

I will probably play more with paper in the future.

April 14, 2020


Well, this was in many ways the opposite of the last one.

Watercolor is not forgiving! I was not happy with this one but then Justin reminded me that I don't need to master every medium I try.

Now when I look at this I really like it, I don't have to be perfect at everything.

April 15, 2020


I've been daydreaming about this one for awhile. I knew I wanted to create a collage in which the tree starts creeping in through the window. Finally, tonight I got started late enough that I could capture some of the stillness of the night. Will definitely keep playing with tree branches coming in through the window.

This project is started to make me notice things in my space differently. I'll find myself looking out the window, contemplating how I would render the composition. I notice how the view changes when I stand up or slump down in my chair. Sometimes the sky fills most of my window frame, other times the massive tree outside dominates everything else. My windows have become frames for momentary compositions.

April 16, 2020


This project is more of a challenge than I originally anticipated.

It's forcing me to think more creatively about materials and how to represent the same image.

I'm starting to combine mediums more and I am interested in where it will take me. At first I wasn't happy with this drawing but it has begun to grow on me.

April 17, 2020


Clearly, I am enjoying playing with these tree branch shapes.

Despite the many attempts, I have yet to get anything close to the actual shapes of the trees. These "drawings" are moving away from actual representations to snap shots or a mood or moment.

Today, the sun was shining, the windows were open, and it felt like spring was wafting through the walls.

April 20 + 21, 2020

2:45pm + 7:30pm

One of the unexpected outcomes of this project is the focused study of just a few visual elements. I've always gravitated towards bare branches and natural forms. This is giving me an opportunity to really dig in and play with these shapes.

I painted two pages with water color and originally cut out the branches for the left side. The next day I saw the potential to do a day/night dyptic with the paper I had created the day before. Although I'm moving away from a literal representation of the window, I'm feeling more like I'm capturing the view I'm experiencing.

April 22 + 23, 2020

6:15pm + 11:00am

This series was a divergence from pervious ones. I started on the 22nd with the circular painting. One of the outcomes of approaching the same scene every day is its challenging me to consider every element of what is outside. So, I decided to try and capture the sky. It was a pretyt clear day so I was mostly playing with variations of white and blue. I used a white crayon to create some of the cloud shapes and painted over it with water color.

The next day I thought the circle looked to stark on its own so I added some of the tree shapes cut out of old maps and security envelopes. I followed the major roads and rivers on the maps to create the shapes of the trees.

April 24, 2020


I like how the last one turned out so I tried again with this watercolor collage combo.

On particularly beautiful days I've noticed a hawk soaring over the trees outside. This is just a little study on the setting sun.

April 27, 2020


I got started late tonight! Not much to work with in terms of my view. I decided to roll with it and draw what I saw.

It certainly isn't my favorite drawing but it was a good exercise to work with what I could. The process of coloring in the window panes was also particularly meditative late at night.

April 28, 2020

9:50 pm

The sky was an amazing rich blue tonight at dusk. It was striking in depth. I was immediately inspired by the dark black branches against this gorgeous blue.

I used an exacto knife, instead of scissors for this one. I like how I was able to get a more delicate branch.

The blue sky will be in my memory for awhile now, working on this sketch really emblazoned it in my mind.

April 29, 2020


One interesting element of this project has been trying to render different parts of the view outside. I always gravitate towards the branches as my focal point but this time I wanted to figure out how to depict the sky.

My partner and I collect security envelops we get in the mail. The patterns on the inside are all different and often very detailed. These offered an interesting medium for the cloudy gray sky today.

April 29, 2020


I really liked how the last collage turned out. This time I focused more on rendering the distant hills behind the trees. This has consistantly been the hardest thing for me to figure out how to draw - in many of the previous works I just left it out all together.

These old pages from books and magazines offered the texture and color I was looking for. In an odd way this one might look the most like the real thing to me.

April 30, 2020


This one went in a really different direction. Honestly, I needed a mental break today and coloring these abstracted shapes was the most my brain could handle.

Drawing and coloring in these blobby shapes was really medatative and nice. It's important to remember how valuable the process of art making can be. Not just the outcome.

May 1, 2020


The view of the backyard has completely changed in the last few days. EVERYTHING is green suddenly and in many ways the view looks entirely different than before. Everything is full and alive.

I've struggled with how to represent leaves throughout this process - the shift has made it impossible to ignore them. If I squint the bunches of leaves look like amorphos shapes. I'm trying to work on capturing the messy layered quality of the trees outside.

May 4, 2020


It's interesting to scroll through the past images and see how dramatic the shift to green has become. When I started this the overall view from my window was a mix of oranges, browns, and some greens. Now everything is green with very few exceptions. The world looks totally different from here now.

Now the rich greens seem to capture the backdrop rather than the mess of interlocking branches. I appreciate the opportunity to observe the landscape like this and tune into the subtle changes of each day.

May 5, 2020


It's strange to be at the end of this project with so much still uncertain about the future. I may continue to look out this window for weeks even months more.

This exercise has been a grounding activity. Time has moved both very slowly and incredibly quickly throughout the last two months. This served an important purpose for me- a simple prompt in which I needed to find continued complexity in a repetitious task. In some ways this was an interesting mirror to my everyday in which I am learning to take pleasure in more simple and domestic acts.