US Postal Service Address API

You can use the USPS address APi to verify addresses in your application without registering. You can use the USPS web interface to validate addresses one-at-a-time. The web interface returns a thumbs up or down depending on the address' validity. There are also third party providers, including iContact and Postmark, who provide USPS address APIs and address validation. Third party providers have strict agreements and can improve the address data for broader use cases.

However, a reliable USPS API solution is more expensive than free address verification solutions. There are a number of disadvantages, including the USPS's lack of documentation, restrictive Terms of Service, and inconsistent uptime. A reliable address validation API solution will cost a fee, but it will likely pay off in the long run. However, you should consider its pros and cons before using it. You'll find that the cost is well worth the benefits.

Using the USPS address APi is free once you register. It is a great way to gather address information from a variety of sources, including USPS. The downside is that you can't use it to perform bulk processing or cleanse database records. Additionally, the USPS doesn't have an SDK that you can use to use this API. As a result, you'll have to code the API one line at a time.

The USPS address APi is designed to be able to validate input addresses. Input addresses are validated using reference data, and then the API will resolve them. If they match, the address is resolved, and the resulting addresses will be the input address. For countries without postal codes, the state code will suffice. The API will also resolve invalid recipient addresses. Lastly, the address will be returned with a standardized address and information regarding the derived address.