The essence of transsexualism is the act of passing. A transsexual who passes is obeying the Derridean imperative: "Genres are not to be mixed. I will not mix genres." I could not ask a transsexual for anything more inconceivable than to forgo passing, to be consciously "read", to read oneself aloud--and by this troubling and productive reading, to begin to write oneself into the discourses by which one has been written--in effect, then, to become a (look out-- dare I say it again?) posttranssexual.

Given the nature of sex reassignment, a double blind randomized controlled study of the result after sex reassignment is not feasible. We therefore have to rely on other study designs. For the purpose of evaluating whether sex reassignment is an effective treatment for gender dysphoria, it is reasonable to compare reported gender dysphoria pre and post treatment. Such studies have been conducted either prospectively[7], [12] or retrospectively,[5], [6], [9], [22], [25], [26], [29], [38] and suggest that sex reassignment of transsexual persons improves quality of life and gender dysphoria. The limitation is of course that the treatment has not been assigned randomly and has not been carried out blindly.

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In a video posted to her Instagram, Mulvaney sipped a can of Bud Light as she discussed March Madness, adding that the company had sent her a custom-made tallboy can to commemorate the anniversary of her transition, with an image of her face printed on the side.

Bud Light's promotion with Mulvaney caught the ire of conservatives on social media, who called for a boycott. Three days after Mulvaney's post, Kid Rock posted his own video in which he wore a MAGA hat and fired a rifle at a few cases of Bud Light.

In a diversity, equity and inclusion statement posted to its website, Anheuser-Busch says it is committed to a workplace and consumer base that is inclusive of all people "whatever our personal characteristics or social identities," including gender identity.

A Feminist Post-transsexual Autoethnography attempts to demythologise trans and gender diversity by conducting an in-depth critical analysis of the life choices of the autoethnographic subject (the author), who was so uncomfortable with their culturally allocated masculinity that they chose to live an apparently normal female life. The research is post-transsexual in that the subject forgoes passing in their affirmed gender to ensure the integrity of the data.

(Watson has not been without controversy lately, either. She was criticized by some for originally just posting black squares on Instagram in early June 2020 in support of Black Lives Matter but failing to provide any information about the cause.)

The blowback was swift. Within days, singer Kid Rock posted a video of him shooting cases of the beer. A couple of weeks later, model and influencer Bri Teresi did the same thing but dressed in an American flag bikini top and firing a semi-automatic rifle.

This page provides search strategies and recommended resources for researching LGBTQ+ activism post-Stonewall. This page provides links to materials in the Library of Congress Collections, and is not intended to be a comprehensive account.

In the weeks following Stonewall, activists in New York organized the Gay Liberation Front (GLF). A few months later, the Gay Activists Alliance (GAA) was founded in December 1969. New LGBT+ activist organizations began to form across the United States and internationally. Many of these groups formed at college campuses. While historical accounts have largely focused on the activism on the east and west coasts post-Stonewall, LGBT+ activism was flourishing all over the country, including the midwest and the southern United States.

On April 1, Mulvaney posted a sponsored Instagram video of herself drinking a Bud Light for a marketing campaign celebrating the end of March Madness. In the video, Mulvaney shares a photo of a Bud Light can with her face on it celebrating her "365 days of girlhood" series on TikTok documenting her gender transition. In the post, she calls the commemorative can "possibly the best gift ever."

The post sparked outrage among some Bud Light fans, igniting calls to boycott the brand. Rapper-singer Kid Rock joined the fray with an Instagram video of himself wearing a MAGA hat and shooting up cases of Bud Light with an automatic rifle.

In the current political landscape, with the constitutional right to an abortion overturned, and anti-transgender bills proliferating, federal and state courts will not be the entities that reaffirm the right to bodily autonomy. And if the recent trajectory of political attacks on abortion access is any indication of what is likely to happen next for transgender rights, the worst is yet to come. State-level restrictions on minors may escalate into broader attempts to criminalize the existence of all transgender and nonbinary people in a post-Roe America.

Good communication and classification systems, where information is shared and acted upon, is crucial to successfully managing inmates who identify as transgender. Post-to-post and shift-to-shift pass-on of information is one of the keys to a well-run correctional facility. be457b7860

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