Who are we?

We are an online community of bilinguals, trilinguals, & polyglots, as well as students who love Brazilian Portuguese & Brazilian culture. We gather every Monday at 6PM PST & participate in Portuguese conversations.

How does it work?

  1. Sign up by emailing portuguesewithrachel@gmail.com. You’ll be added to a Google Calendar Event.

  2. Go to your Google Calendar, find Portuguese Mondays event, & click on the Zoom link 5 minutes before the hour.

What's the session format?

Participants are paired up in Zoom breakout rooms for 8-10 minutes for a conversation in Portuguese.

The structure of the conversations are simple, one person asks a question and the other person responds.

Each session organically evolves switching roles from listening to speaking.

This event is a labor of love! Donations are accepted but not required. See Google Calendar Event for details.