There aren't many prison simulators out there that fits the description above. There is prison architect which focus on building your own prison; The Escapist which I haven't played yet but as I see it's a game about escaping the prison and not serving your sentence; and theres Prison Simulator, which you control a guard and not an prisoner.

The ways to win skills such as intelligence and strength, and the jobs you can earn money, they all are "waiting simulators", you just get in there and see your character doing some animations and earning xp/money while the time passes by. It's funny to watch in the first hour, specially since the NPCs around always interrupts your activity to offend you or ask something, but after some time it gets extremely boring and repetitive.

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So, it makes me wonder, if someone would remake a game like Hard Time, with the same idea of living the life of a prisoner, how would you make it? What design choices you would make? What mistakes to avoid? What features to include?

Prison Simulator is a sim where you play as a prison guard in a rather questionable prison. The warden is absent and just hands all of his duties to you, literally only a day into starting your job there. Needless to say, a lot shenanigans ensue, both intentional and unintentional.

The game play loop is loosely based on a day cycle. Through out the day, the game gives you one task at a time to complete. The activities range from searching through incoming goods mailed to prisoners for contraband, releasing and accepting new inmates, taking roll call, and etc. You also have free time, in which you can do things such as work out to improve your stats, play dart games to win money, and etc.

The game play is pretty simple and repetitive. For example, for checking for contraband, you need to carry a box to a designated table, open the box, open each and every item, look for contraband, secure, steal, or leave the contraband, return all the items, close the box, and carry the box to the finished area. Almost each and every action will either increase or decrease respect from the prison guards and the inmates.

Completing each task successfully will increase respect from the guards and may risk decreasing respect from the prisoners and vice versa. If the respect meter for the guards drops to zero, you will get fired. If the respect from the prisoners drop to zero, they will riot and you will have to re-establish control over the prison.

In addition to this, the warden hands you even more responsibilities. Periodically you will need to approve prisoner requests and permits to leave the prison. You compare stamps and signatures to spot forgeries and approve valid requests while denying suspicious ones.

The prison is fully equipped with dining facilities and snacks, so this outside item is simply to boost morale. Inmates in Prison Simulator will both have cookies to trade and highly demand them. While it is possible for players to consume them for lost hitpoints, it is better to save them for side quests; and nearly every other food will also restore health.

Cookie collection as an actual side quest will depend on what mode players selected between story or freeplay. For story mode, the side quest will eventually show up within the first two weeks as a request from a user, made prisoner, stuck inside Block B. They will request 10 cookies be delivered to them to help with their homesickness, but will only wait a few days before dropping the questline. In freeplay, the side quest can come up randomly days, or months, into progress. In both cases, players will want to prepare their search far in advance to avoid a quest failure.

As mentioned before, respect is a big portion of Prison Simulator that affects everyone in the prison, both guards and inmates. Inmates will offer better and cheaper items with higher respect, with cookies being more frequent when the seller has 75% or more respect. Conversely, those with below 25% respect will have very steep prices and not much to sell. It will also increase the change inmates will simply give up items when searched, avoiding a fight or other problems.

Get a taste of prison life! Become a prison guard and deal with dangerous convicts. Prison management, lots of daily activities. Will you become the best guard in history? Or maybe you'll turn into the worst scumbag this Prison has ever seen?

Hey there, future prison guard! Welcome to the wild world of Prison Simulator, where you can experience all the drama, danger, and daily grind of prison life. Picture this: you'll be strutting your stuff in your guard uniform, keeping those pesky convicts in line and, let's be real, trying not to lose your sanity in the process.

Prepare yourself for some serious prison management action. We're talking about overseeing the daily activities, dealing with unexpected incidents, and even making tough decisions that will shape the fate of both prisoners and guards alike. Can you keep everything under control? Or will you let chaos reign supreme? It's up to you, my friend.

Now, you may be wondering what sets Prison Simulator apart from your average, run-of-the-mill simulation game. Well, I'll tell you! We've got a whole package of rebellious features, including a dose of unpredictable inmate behavior, surprise events that will make your head spin, and a wicked variety of prison management challenges that are guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat.

But that's not all, folks! We've also sprinkled in a hint of dark humor and a touch of meme magic to make your prison-guarding experience even more exhilarating. So get ready to face the worst scumbags this prison has ever seen, and let's see if you can turn into THE ultimate guard legend that will go down in prison history!

So, what are you waiting for? Put on your big-boy or big-girl guard pants, dive headfirst into the world of Prison Simulator, and let's show these convicts who's boss. Get ready to wrestle with daily life behind bars, and remember, we're counting on you to bring order to this chaotic world. Let the prison adventure begin!

Wanna find out what a prison riot looks like? Check a free stand-alone prologue for Prison Simulator. A story that is not available in the full game! Be warned: Police baton might not be enough to bring order to the prison halls.

A break-in action simulator in which methods used plays an essential role. Use reliable equipment for an effective burglary into different locations and complete assignments there, from minor robberies and petty thefts to international jumps.

Welcome to Noah's Ark, a realistic simulator game inspired by stories from Genesis of the Bible. Now it is time for you to be like Noah and build famous vessel, save (hunt) animals and survive during the biggest flood ever. Are you ready for this challenge?

Experience the brutality of prison life in this first-person RPG. Survive as an inmate amidst the violence and politics of the penal system or enforce the rules as a corrections officer. Tattoo and craft, or bribe and murder your way to the top. But remember, your reputation is everything.

Once the difficulty is selected, the game asks the player to name their prison and create the prisoners. In total, sixteen prisoners can be made. Their names, voices, bodies, faces, and skin tones can be customized.

Next is the gang creator. There is the possibility of three gangs, and the player has to choose a logo, name, and which prisoner is part of which gang. Like the previous option, this can also be randomized. Confirm, and the game kicks in with a bit of montage intro.

The game has a respect system. Players have a certain percentage of respect from the guards and another number from the prisoners. Various actions affect these numbers. Falling too far with the guards would get the player fired. Prisoners not respecting enough would start a riot.

On finding something, players are given the option to take it for themselves or secure it for the prison or leave it where it is. The last choice raises the respect the guard has among the prisoners. The player can take it as long as no other officer is watching.

Some prisoners would be open to trade. Players can sell or buy stuff from them. Moreover, prisoners and guards also provide side missions. These can be done during the free time between tasks for extra money and respect.

In Prison Simulator, the player can toe the line by acting neutrally or go overboard on either side. They can side with the prisoners by turning a blind eye to their activities and contrabands, or they can beat up the inmates for absolutely no reason at all. Throughout this cycle, they take the prison to the top of the leaderboard.

The punishments that can be meted out to the passengers for bad behavior also manage to showcase the difficulty of dealing with the criminals and the length that one has to go to enforce rules. Players can confine prisoners to cells, take away their phone privilege, and, at worst, put them in solitary.

The gravity of the position is what the game sorely lacks. The player can beat a prisoner up without reason, and they would lose their respect point. The riot that happened within the first week did not feel like it had any real stakes to it. None of the prisoners were even armed in this riot, and they all fell pretty easily because I had a handgun.

The biggest caveat is the gameplay gets repetitive after a while real fast. The actions of prisoner induction in and out are extremely fun and almost directly remind one of Papers, Please. But when the same activities are recycled and arranged as daily duties, the chores become dull day after day.

Conflicts with prisoners or between gangs also do not pan out into some larger narrative. The story takes a long time to start and moves at an extremely slow pace, and feels disjointed as it jumps from one moment to another. The serious lack of immersion affects the replayability of the game. be457b7860

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