Pengalaman Berorganisasi


1. Organisasi atau Klub:

Kegiatan "LDKS"

2. Keterlibatan dalam Kegiatan:


3. Acara atau Kompetisi yang Diikuti:


4. Mengikuti Kegiatan Olimpiade Sains Nasional Bidang Kimia Tahun 2022

Seminar ESQ Business School

5. Pembelajaran atau Peningkatan Diri:

Kegiatan "Lomba Hari Santri Nasional 2023"

2. Keterlibatan dalam Kegiatan:

My Projects

Project: Create Miniature DNA

In this project, I participated in making miniature DNA. By making this miniatire DNA, You can find out what human and animal DNA looks like and find out the structure of DNA. Making miniature DNA is really fun. Because you can create a product of your own creativity. 

My Activity Record

Take part in the ASEAN Arabic Speech Competition.

In this video, I participate in a lively 3 language competition in the field of Arabic speech competition throughout ASEAN in 2022. I found out about this competition from my ustadz named ust agung muttaqien M.Pd. This competition will be held in November 2022 online. However, I have not been able to win the competition. I will be serious about studying harder and getting champions in competition.   

Be the MC at the opening event of the international arabic  languange day

In this video, I have the opportunity to be an Arabic language MC at the opening event of International Arabic Language Day. I was accompanied by my friend who was the Indonesian MC. I really enjoy being an MC because I can practice my public speaking skills.

Showing Arabic Speeches At The Silaturahim Mosque

In this video, I have the opportunity to be an Arabic language MC at the opening event of International Arabic Language Day. I was accompanied by my friend who was the Indonesian MC. I really enjoy being an MC because I can practice my public speaking skills.