I am focused on creating meaningful experiences through empathy and creativity. 

Welcome to my portfolio

Embark on my journey into UX design, a path woven through experiences in marketing, internal communication, and customer success. This unconventional background not only showcases my technical skills but also highlights a unique perspective enriching my approach as a UX designer. 

From understanding user intricacies to crafting meaningful experiences, my diverse background allows me to tackle design projects comprehensively. Discover how this diversity becomes the core of my ability to design authentic and memorable user experiences.

It’s nice to meet you, check out my work below

Some featured work: 


Zara redesign app UX/UI Case Study


Toolbox app UX/UI Case Study

No digital

SaaS onboarding experience design

No digital

Employee experience research

Let's connect!

Get in touch for opportunities or just to say hi!                                                                                             

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