Gavin's Portfolio

 Reporting and Writing

The Beauty of Unity

This story had a bit of difficulties being made, since I was sick and couldn't attend the live event that this story was covering. It did end up causing me to learn a lesson about how helpful and important having friends and other writers is, Jeremiah stepped in to cover live and saved the story.

Drumming up Excitement

This story was a lot of fun to make and involved a lot of classic sleuth journalism. I had to ask over 10 different band members in the battle of the bands what was going to happen, and most had no idea, despite this, I kept working forward and was able to get the story out on time, and I'm proud of how it turned out.

Man Versus Machine

This is probably one of my two favorite stories of the year, I had so much fun getting to write this, it was such a creative concept and I'm happy it turned out as good as I wanted it to. I learned a lot about how AI worked and saw ChatGPTs writing skills, I had to learn what its limits were.

Web and Social Media

Pep Rally Through the Grades

This was a very fun live story to do, and I think it fit pretty well for web, I had some big shoes to fill while writing a Pep Rally story, and although it could've been better and a little more unique, I'm still very happy with it.

The Dreyfoos Difference

This story was a strange one to write, something about the way that I had to talk about Dreyfoos and make everything remain unbiased. I'm not super happy with this story, but it could've worse. 

You'll Never Believe What I just SAW: "Saw X" Review

This was my first story of the new school year, I'm very happy with how it turned out, I can feel myself improving with my Review skills every time I write a new review.

Commitment to Diversity

The Decline of the MCU

This is probably my favorite story I've written this year, I finally got to do a review about something I'm super passionate about, Marvel, and I think it shows. This proves why reviews need to be more common on the Muse, they can be so much fun to write and to read.

Man Versus Machine

This story really was something different. The idea of incorporating a QR code and having AI write part of an argument were ingenious. I can't wait to get to do another story like this.


Two of a Kind

This story, written by one of my Staffers, Gavin Murray, covers the stories of different twins at school. As CTE it was my job to edit this stories second draft, I think it turned out very well and Gavin did a great job with this feature. Amazing work!

Parental Rights Lead to Student Responsibilities

This was written by another one of my staffers, Graeme Melcher, It was an interesting news story and was one of the first stories I edited for my new team as a CTE. He did a great job and this was a very important learning experience.

For Petez's Sake

The photos for this story were taken by one of my staffers, Belen Rivera, The editing for this was a little different than usual, since I was editing writing with the captions, which I'm used to, but I also had to critique the photos and suggest changes. I'm very happy with how they turned out. Belen did an amazing job!

Dreyfoos on Ice

I had a great time editing this story for one of my writing staffers, Gavin Murray.  He won a Best of SNO award for this story. I think by this point in the year I was really improved in my editing skills, and could help my staffers to the best of my ability. 

Game Over for Spirit Week 2024

One of my photo staffers, Ashwin Kishor, took some of the photos for this year's spirit week. It was his first time photographing a spirit week and I'm really proud of how he did. This was a good chance for me to use my experience with past spirit weeks to  give him advice.

Reshaping the Square

Two of my staffers worked on this story, which won numerous awards throughout the state. They did an amazing job with photos and I'm so proud of them. It was very exciting to edit on a story this interesting.