Syrup and the Ultimate Sweet

Game by NomnomNami

Contributed as Lead Translator


Story driven visual novel with multiple endings revolving around colorful and charming characters. Many shapes of affection and friendship are drawn in this game.

Translation Story

This game was my first attempt on translating a game. Ren'py, the game engine was very easy to disect even for a beginner. Because I originally translated the game by replacing text from the original file - not knowing that there was a well constructed translation system installed, I later had to copy-paste all of the text to the actual translation document. The developer was very kind to accept me, who didn't know anything about game translation at the time. The translation style I went for this game formed the way I translate games even till this day.

Game Description

SYRUP AND THE ULTIMATE SWEET is a visual novel made for YuriJam 2015! it's about a candy alchemist, syrup, who one day finds a candy golem in her basement workshop. where did she come from?? who the heck made her????? GO FIND OUT!! did i mention there are 10 endings because. that's right. 10 endings.

content advisory: candy nudity. in some paths she gets eaten. in some paths characters die. there are a few quick screen shakes and flashes.

Gameplay Screenshots