
Game by CT Matthews

Contributed as Lead Translator


The premis of Chessplosion has to do with exploding chess piece-bombs. Depending on the game mode, Chessplosion can be a competitive traditional Bomberman type battle, or an explosive puzzle game, or a rougelike dungeon crawler with items that buff your bombs.

Translation Story

Translating Chessplosion was a fun challenge. The biggest challenge was definitely figuring out all the chess terms. I am not the best when it comes to chess, and I barely know any of the names of strategies used in chess. I looked up the web, as I do usually, and checked what all the terms meant. The official Korean terms like castling, fork, scholar's mate and such were... all translated as they sounded. castling was /kaesulling/, fork was /poku/, and scholar's mate was /sukollaseu maeiteu/. It was so boring! And then I had this epiphany: 'Wait, we have our own chess as well!' I quickly looked up terms for Korean chess(what we call Janggi) and sure enough, I had this library of actual Korean chess tactics. Fork was translated to 양걸이/yangguli/, opening was translated to 첫 국면/chut gukmeon/ and so on. Of course, some chess terms had no corresponding Jangi terms and had to be left in English, but for the localized translations, I'm quite happy and proud about it.

Game Description

Chessplosion is an arcade action puzzle game where you drop chess piece bombs to create chain reactions and trap opponents. Defeat enemies and bosses in Adventure Mode and the roguelike-inspired Dungeon Mode, break targets with limited bombs in Puzzle Mode, or fight friends and AI in Battle Mode.

Defeat a variety of enemy types and boss fights in Adventure Mode, inspired by the movement patterns of chess pieces. Avoid charging Rooks, don't get shot by Bishops' diagonal projectiles, and watch out for stomping Knights

Venture into randomized dungeons in Dungeon Mode, defeating enemies and collecting money on your search for the Grandblaster Crown. A wide array of powerful upgrades and weapons mean that no two runs are the same!

Solve over 100 puzzles in Puzzle Mode, by using limited bombs to cause a chain reaction and break the targets. Or use the Puzzle Editor to create your own puzzles and share them with friends!

Dodge explosions in Survival Mode, where you're pitted against waves of tricky bomb patterns. It starts simple enough, but by the end you'll be dodging bullet hell Queen explosions and solving chess puzzles in real-time.

Go head to head in Battle Mode, either fighting against the AI or against other players in online or local multiplayer. If you want a change from the regular Free For All Battles or Team Battles, the Tennis Battle mode lets you throw bombs over the center line to create bomb patterns for your opponent to dodge.

Gameplay Screenshots