
Below are all the major Augmented Reality Software and books I have developed

Mauna Load helicopter 

Augmented Reality Training APP

The Mauna Loa Helicopter training app is an Augmented Reality app that teaches students all about the Robinson22 Helicopter.

It teaches students different lessons on how the Helicopter flies and how it interacts with the wind or airflow. it also teaches students all the Preflight check procedures of the R22 Helicopter and also how to fly the R22 Helicopter.

In this project, I made use of 

I created this AR Software during my full time employment at Augmented Island Studio as an Augmented Reality Software Developer.  


App Review of the App by Pilot Devin

Love Preferred Coffee Co. 

AUgmented reality app

Love Preferred Coffee is an Augmented Reality app and Utility app created to promote the launch of a coffee brand called Love Preferred Coffee. It has Augmented Reality experience demonstrating the coffee picking process undertaken by farmers. It also shows an AR experience of the coffee-brewing process. 

Apart from AR experience, it also has a utility tool called Pour Over Timer that anyone can use to time themselves when brewing coffee.

In this project, I made use of 

I created this AR software during my full-time employment at Augmented Island Studio as an Augmented Reality Software Developer.  

Love Preferred POUROVER TIMER 


The Apple Watch target of the Love Preferred Coffee AR app focus on just the Pour Over Timer. The purpose is to make it easy for those that want to use the Pour Over Timer feature to find it easy to use on their watchs.

In this project, I made use of 

I created this AR software during my full-time employment at Augmented Island Studio as an Augmented reality software developer.  

Qualcomm 5G Introductory-Level Certificate

I was able to take the Qualcomm 5G Introductory-Level certification exam and pass. Below is my certificate from Qualcomm.



This mini project showcases a helicopter preflight check experience running on the Apple Vision Pro Simulator. 

The project has a voiceover that instructs the student on how to carry out the Nose section preflight check, and it has buttons at different parts of the helicopter for the student to click on and check the part of the Nose section preflight.

The project was built using 


NFL Stadium SEAT Viewer

This mini visionOS project showcases an NFL Stadium Seat Viewer experience on the Apple Vision Pro Simulator. 

The project allows the user to select a seat section from a mini 3D model of the stadium. Once the user selects this section. The app launches into the large stadium at the position of the seat, so that the user can get a view of how the stadium looks like from that seat position in the stadium.

The experience starts out in the Mixed Reality mode and progresses into the Full immersion mode.

The project was built using 



Travel Portland is an image-tracking Web AR application built using Zappar. It was a project built for a tourism and travel agency based in Portland, Oregon, USA named Travel Portland.

The project shows a map of Portland with different Points of Interest. As the user activates the image tracking AR experience by pointing their phone at the image target, they get to watch and interact with a Sasquatch character that narrates the different landmarks and points of interest in Portland, Oregon.

In this project, I made use of 

I created this AR Software during my full time employment at Augmented Island Studio as an Augmented Reality Software Developer.  

8th Wall WebAR - Image Tracking and SLAM feature

This is a Niantic 8th Wall WebAR project that makes use of Image tracking to track and detect the QR Code as seen in the video demo, and spawn the bird in the same position as the image.

It also makes use of the SLAM feature to detect the nearest plane near the image and then place the spawned bird on that plane.  

In this Project I made use of:


Capitola Coffee Instagram filter

Using Spark AR

Capitola Coffee Instagram filter is a social-media filter created using Meta Spark AR. 

It was created for a Coffee Brand used to launch a special event.

In this Project I made use of:


TRavel Portland Instagram filter


Travel Portland Instagram filter is a Spark AR Random Selector filter.

It randomizes through different Points of Interest in Portland, Oregon. Once it randomly selects a POI, it displays particles of items that is common in that POI.

This project was built with;

Build niantic Lightship vps augmented reality experience


This is a course I published on Udemy on how to build Location-based Augmented Reality using the Niantic Lightship VPS.

The course currently has 14 students with a 5-star rating.

Creating a course like this is my own way of contributing to the body of Learning Resources out there for Augmented Reality. This way, anyone interested in building a Location-based AR app can use this course as a starting point for the development.

If you want to take a look at the course, please click on the button below. 


I have also self-published books on Augmented Reality. The title of this book, as mentioned above, is "How to Build Location-based Augmented Reality using Niantic Lightship VPS"

The purpose of the book is to show the reader the step-by-step process of creating a location-based AR using the Niantic Lightship VPS system. The reader also learns how to create a VPS-activated Wayspot for their location, upload it to the Niantic VPS system, and finally integrate this 3D scanned location into their AR experience in Unity.

This book has been published on Amazon using the 

Amazon KDP platform. You can click on the button below to confirm the book.


This is another Augmented Reality book I have self-published called "30 Days Guide to Augmented Reality Mastery"

The purpose of the book is to introduce readers who are unfamiliar with the landscape of the Augmented Reality tech space to become familiar with the tech space. It takes 

about what Augmented Reality is all about, tools you can use to get started, and more.

This book has been published on Amazon using the 

Amazon KDP platform. You can click on the button below to confirm the book.

C# for Augmented REality


This is another Augmented Reality book I have self-published titled "C# for Augmented Reality"

The book covers all about Unity 3D Engine and C# Programming language and how it is used to create an Augmented Reality experience. 

The book goes further to provide practical examples of projects, with C# source code and screenshots of the Unity editor to show the reader how to build different Augmented Reality projects from Image tracking Projects to Plane detection to Augmented Reality Helicopter flight simulation and more.

This book has been published on Amazon using the Amazon KDP platform. You can click on the button below to confirm the book.


History on the Street project tells the history of Nigeria through the great men and women our streets are named after.

Every street has a name and this name most times is the name of a notable man or woman in Nigeria.

The History on the Street project brings this history of these notable people direct to you as you navigate the streets of Nigeria through the Location-based Augmented Reality content.

In this project I made use of 

I created this AR Software during my Internship at Imisi 3D XR Creation Lab, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria



Demo Video of the History on the Street Project AR App

The video is a demo video of the History on the Street Location-Based project. 

It is the prototype  demo video so something are different from the screenshot above.


Furnish AR

Furnish AR is an Augmented Reality software targeted at the Furniture Retail market.

It is a Try-before you buy AR app that allows the user to try different furniture in their physical space to see how it will fit before making plans to buy such furniture.

It helps a lot to have a tool like this because it helps to reduce the uncertainty in purchasing goods and it increases the chance that the user will be satisfied with the product been purchased.

Development Kit used

 To develop this product the follow was used to make the app work properly:


Demo Video of FurnishAR

Below is the demo video of the FurnishAR app. It shows the user flow from the Welcome street to the AR Experience.

Simple Piano

Simple Piano is a mobile Piano Tutorial app built using Unity 3D game engine. 


The software allow input from a midi device such as a physical Piano keyboard.

The physical piano keyboard sends data to the app through midi signal which allows the user to practice the keyboard notes and take part in the tutorial.

Development Kits used

To develop this App I made use of the following below;

Niantic Lightship Shared AR feature Combined with chainsafe NFT loading feature

The Demo video below is a small project I built that uses Niantic Lightship shared AR feature and also load NFT images from Opensea using Chainsafe SDK.

Development kit used:

Demo samples

Image Tracking AR

The demo videos below showcase some of my mini projects on AR Foundation Image Tracking. In the below projects I made use of the following:

A Tutorial article on

On AR Image Tracking, I wrote a Medium post on the step-by-step process of implementing placing a virtual object at any position on the Image reference similar to the Vuforia engine. 

Placing virtual objects at any position or spot on the Image reference similar to Vuforia engine.

 Here I was able to manipulate the reference images just as you will do when developing for Vuforia engine. Virtual objects can be placed at any position of the reference image and any thing can  be done on the image.

Playing 360 Video on a 2D plane while rendering it on an Augmented Image

Here I was able to play a 360 Video on a 2D plane and also allow the user to pan around the 360 video with touch gestures.

This means that 360 video can be used as a normal video for Image Tracking AR solution that renders videos as it virtual object.

Augmented reality portal  

for Real Estate

In this project I created an AR Portal that takes the user into a 3D modeled interior of an apartment.

An AR feature like this is extremely useful in the Real Estate Industry. It will make it easy for client to take a virtual tour without requiring a VR headset all they need is their day-to-day mobile phone.

In this project I made use of 

Vocal-Image AR

This Augmented Reality uses AR Image Detection to play your recorded audio on the image you assigned to it once it detects the image. 


VocalImage allows you to take images of any object or thing around you, then you can record a voice note that will be assigned to that Image you just took.

So that whenever you are using the AR camera, once the AR camera detects your image, it starts playing the voice note you have recorded. 

Development Kits used

To develop this AR App I made use of the following below;



Find Crystal AR Simulation

This project below is a game-like application that makes the user walkaround his or her environment finding crystals. As he or she walkaround, rose flowers are spawned in their environment and thereby enhancing the look of the user's physical environment.

Development Kit

The project made use of the following

Video Demonstration of the project


RecordPlayBack API

The RecordPlayback API app, uses  the ARCore Recording and Playback API.


The Recording and Playback API allows uses to record a video of a physical environment they want to test an AR experience., save it to their local storage.

This recorded video by using the Playback API can be used to test an AR experience anywhere in the world.

The user do not need to be in the desired environment to be able  to test out the AR experience he or she wants. Once the video is recorded, you can apply AR effect on the video as if it is a Live video.


This could be used to buy things like Television or Furniture. Just record your Living room, store the video and any time you want, you can test out how the TV or Chair can fit into your space from the recorded video. 

Development Kit used


Demo video


I have worked on the following projects

● An AR app that plays video once it detects an Augmented Image or a Marker. 

● An AR Portal app that takes a user into a virtual world of either a 3D environment or a 360 film. 

● An AR app that makes use of Openpose to track the Human body motion. 

● An AR app that makes use of Manomotion to track Human hand gestures to enable the users to interact with virtual objects using their hands. 

● An app that integrates Firebase Database into Unity software. 

  Testing out Manomotion SDK for Unity


LA ISla Swimwear REACTJS Website

La Isla changed its website design and this time decided to build it using React JS. I was tasked with the implementation of this website using ReactJS.

In this project, I made use of