The popup is still there at a greater width, just not visible to the user. This means if the user clicks on the supposedly transparent area which is inside the popup, the popup does not close, because it is still there.

Hi all,

I have been trying (with no success) to display a popup with an easy chart that is indirectly tagged.

I have reviewed the videos about indirect tags and easy chart in a popup but I still have no luck.

Popup To Download


The indirection path is delivered to the popup window as a string in the root container (via properties in the openWindow() call). In the originating window, it is generally a constant in the script or perhaps saved as a property of the origin object. I'm suggesting passing a dataset to the popup instead of the indirection tagpath string. Or in addition to the string if the popup has some other decoration that could use it. In the origin window and object, that dataset would be an unbound custom property -- effectively constant and saved with the window.

But it is a dataset generated by the chart customizer and simply copy and pasted to a suitable place in the origin window. Far simpler than laboriously creating and maintaining a collection of bindings, bindings that would require a completely new popup window for any variation in pen count or appearance.

I'm probably thinking of a different situation than you are; after pondering this a bit. My use cases thus far (in my very limited experience) for indirection on an easy chart popup have all called the popup from a template. So, if I'm looking at the chart on my popup screen in the designer, with a root container string property set to "L2" (the name of one of my furnaces), the tag path property of the easy chart will be something like "Furnaces/L2/BasicInfo/Temperature". If I copy that tag pens table and paste it to the template property that calls this popup, will not all the template instances now launch with the pens pointing to L2?

I can see the logic in simply copy/pasting the tag pens table for a static screen calling a generic, reusable chart popup. But, I'm thinking that for template instances, a bit more work will need to go into generating the dataset when templates are involved.

So, starting with template open in the designer, preloaded with a tagpath for one of your actual units, and with the chart popup also open. Create a tagPens root container property in the popup and bind to the chart's tagPens (not bidirectional). Open the chart customizer and set up the pen for that unit and adjust the appearance of the plot. Close the customizer. Open the tagPens dataset and copy to clipboard. Return to the template and add an internal dataset property, also tagPens for convenience. Paste the dataset into it. Create a cell binding on it to inject the tagpath when template instances are created. Create/edit event script to launch popup with template's tagPens loading into the popup's tagPens.

Later if an update is needed, simply use preview to launch the popup, tweak the appearance with the chart customizer, and repeat the tagPens copy-and-paste back to the template. The cell update binding there will still correct (in instances) the tagpath in that dataset after pasting everything else about the plot appearance.

The feature layer is visible on the map after adding it and I'm even able to highlight the features within by clicking on them. However, the popup does not appear under any circumstance. Anyone have any ideas?

Thank you for your reply. Good catch, I probably missed that because my map is working so I thought there were no issues. I've updated the code to be as close to the demonstration as possible, yet the popup still doesn't appear. I've also disabled my browsers popup blocker to be sure that isn't the cause. Here's the new code:

After a couple weeks of confusion, I found out that I had a reference to the old 3.18 CSS stylesheet while I was using the new API. I updated the stylesheet and bam, popups everywhere. I should have caught this when someone told me to check for old code, so I'm accepting this solution. Thank you!

I have a map in our enterprise Portal that has various feature layers and a related table that shares an ID field. I'm trying to configure the popup of one of my point layers to pull data from a few fields of the related table but can't get it to click. Configuring the popup for the related table shows all the various globals like $map, $datastore, etc but the point layer (where I assume I'd want to put the arcade expression) only has $feature globals tied to the field names.

In my map, choosing configure pop-up window from the layer, add attribute expression. Going here for the related table, I can easily see all the globals and layers like $map, $datastore, etc. But not so if I go to the point layer which is where, I believe, I should be configuring the popup

There are some important things to consider when planning this: Each browser session could have multiple pages open, so which page gets the Popup? The first page found for a session, or all pages? What conditions would warrant closing the popup across across any pages it is opened on? Would sessions opened AFTER the opening condition becomes true instantly open the popup, or would they be exempt?

Remove the logging you put into place and place a new line of logging AFTER the popup functions are called. This will tell you whether or not the function is executing as expected. Are you looking at the browser session, or are you testing this in the Designer?

Hello. I am trying to format a popup in the new mapviewer and can't find a way to control the spacing between the lines. I am using arcade expressions in my popup. When I write all of the lines into one expression, the spacing is perfect, but when I use multiple lines, it is too spread out. I want to use multiple lines because I need some color formatting based on conditional outputs. I've included a screenshot that shows both situations, and one with the popup text box. The {expression0} at the bottom is the composite list of all lines at the bottom of the popup pic. If anyone has any ideas, I would be very grateful.

I used this script in Rhino 7 for Mac but for some reason the trim function in the newly created popup menu does not work. It is deselecting the object you want to trim with and a window under the command line opens. Works fine in the default mode. Any idea? Did not have that in Rhino 6.

Many thanks

Hi I have been trying to open a popup form once i click on modal. Now, i have added some input/select components into the form. What i expect is that once i click on modal button my whole popup form must open along with all the sub components added on it. However, I see just a blank form on render. Do i need to do some parent-child component link etc.?

I'm having a issue with quickbooks 2012 that I published with XenApp 6.5. Sometimes when a user goes and hits a button like 'Print' it is supposed to popup a dialog box. But the problem is (from what I can figure) is the popup is appearing behind the Quickbooks application which is resulting in it locking up since they cannot access the dialog box.

 I have tried ALT+TAB which I believe doesn't work in a seamless session anyways.

 How could I resolve this?

Binds a popup to the layer with the passed content and sets up thenecessary event listeners. If a Function is passed it will receivethe layer as the first argument and should return a String or HTMLElement.

Used to open popups in certain places of the map. Use Map.openPopup toopen popups while making sure that only one popup is open at one time(recommended for usability), or use Map.addLayer to open as many as you want. 17dc91bb1f