Week 13

session 12, Wednesday (aPRIL 14): Economic Populism, Populisms of the Right and Neo-socialist populism

Readings (See Below):

  • Greskovits. Political Economy of Protest and Patience. CEU (1998): ch.1,2, 6 and 7

  • Roberts "Neoliberalism and the transformation of populism in Latin America: the Peruvian case." World politics (1995)

  • Carlos de la Torre “Populism in Latin America” in Kaltwasser et al. (Ed.) Oxford Handbook On Populism (2017)

FRIDAY (April 16):

guest Lecture series 13

This is the thirteenth in the Guest Lecture Series Featuring Dorottya Szikra who will present on "Populism and the welfare state"

Greskovits_Political Economy of Protest and Patience_Central European Univ Pr (1998).pdf

Roberts_Neoliberalism and the Transformation of Populism in Latin America_The Peruvian Case (World Politics).pdf

Kaltwasser et al. (ed)_Oxford Handbook of Populism_Oxford_2017_.pdf