Population and health conference

spanish flu 1918

The Spanish flu pandemic erupted at the end of the First World War, in a context of severe economic and social difficulties. Its impact on mortality - it is estimated that between 1918 and 1919 it would have killed about 50 million people around the world - remains an indelible mark on our collective memory.

By proposing this conference, our goal is to deepen the knowledge about this pandemic with contributions of a variety of disciplines, from Demography to History of Health, addressing topics such as mortality levels, transmission patterns, political responses, sanitary measures, social and economic impacts, among other possibilities. Studies focused on other pandemics that may help us to better understand these processes are also welcome.

organizing committee

                • Antero Ferreira (ADEH, Casa de Sarmento)
                • Maria Filomena Mendes (APD)
                • Maria Norberta Amorim (CICTEM/GHP)


                • 5 Mars 2018 – Deadline for registration and submission of proposals.
                • 6 April 2018 – Conference programme announcement.
                • 7 October 2018 – Submission of an extended summary of the proposal (2.000 words).
                • 25 - 26 October 2018 – Conference days.


                • Member of CICTEM | ADEH | APD - Registration required.
                • Other participants - 50 €
                • Students - 10 €

                • Registration Form (para além da identificação, deve indicar o título e uma breve descrição da comunicação)
