Fashion Trend Forecasting

About POP Fashion

POP Fashion is a fashion trend information platform of Yishang Yunlian Group (founded in 2004, the first listed company to provide internet fashion design supply chain). POP FASHION is the pioneer to achieve O2O mode in the industry. We provide accurate direction decision reference, comprehensive and in-depth resources with strong applicability. Through POP Fashion Official website(nine section and four categories) and books (five series), we are dedicated to build a fashion research and study network focusing on Trends, Styles and Fabric. POP’s fashion experts and cooperative trend organizations provide comprehensive and deep design planning, bringing practical information for brands and apparel factories.

Fashion Trend Forecasting: A Comprehensive Guide

The clothing industry is driven more than ever by the demands of its consumers. The lower and higher ends of the market have experienced the most significant growth over 2010. This indicates the majority of customers perceive value to be either within the division of 'luxury quality brands' or 'affordable disposable fashion'.

Fashion conscious buyers are becoming increasingly fickle, and the greater complexity of trends and styles offered within the retail sector reflects the sophisticated nature of today's consumers.

As consumers become more aware of their choices, they are spoilt for choice more than ever before with the ever-growing selection of materials and fabrics available to them. Within the fashion industry, organic and natural fibers such as bamboo and hemp are becoming more readily available and widely accepted as staples. It is much easier and quicker to farm such plants, and they are less destructive to the environment. They are definitely the future of eco-friendly clothing and textiles.

The market is still largely saturated with poor quality disposable fashion garments, which pose a global environmental challenge. Also, cotton farming is degrading Indian soil, and Chinese manufacturing processes are entirely focused on dollars without taking into account the impact on the environment. Many of the pollutants generated by dyeing and bleaching denim jeans are simply dumped into rivers and so on.

There is an option to style and fashion with a conscience. We need to end the ignorance through education and accountability; this issue needs to be addressed by all businesses. Shoppers can also contribute by becoming more aware, which in turn enables them to make better choices when buying clothes.

By using earth-friendly raw materials, low carbon systems, and low toxin processes, sustainable clothing can be produced effectively. Our world environment is being negatively impacted by the clothing and textile industry, which needs to take effective action to reduce this.