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 Smoked Gouda Tomato Soup2015-02-17 11:57:01Write a reviewSave RecipePrint Ingredients2 tablespoons olive oil1 medium yellow onion, chopped4 medium carrots, peeled and chopped1 large garlic clove, minced1/2 teaspoon salt1/2 teaspoon black pepperHeaping 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar(2) 28 ounce cans whole peeled tomatoes2 cups veggie broth(1) 8 ounce block smoked Gouda, shredded*InstructionsAdd the olive oil to a large pot over medium heat. Once hot, add the chopped onions and carrots. Let cook, stirring several times, for about 10 minutes, or until veggies are just slightly browned and soft.Add the minced garlic, salt, pepper, oregano, and balsamic vinegar and stir. Add the two cans of tomatoes and veggie broth and stir once more. Bring to a boil, then turn the heat down, cover the pot and let simmer 20-25 minutes, stirring once or twice to begin to break up the tomatoes. Soup is done simmering when tomatoes are soft and beginning to fall apart.Add two cups shredded Gouda to the pot and stir. Using an immersion blender (what I did) or regular blender, blend the soup until smooth. If using a regular blender, blend in batches.Ladle into bowls (or mugs!) and top each with additional shredded Gouda if desired.Enjoy!Notes* I used one 8 ounce block of smoked Gouda and shredded the entire block. I put two cups of the shredded Gouda into the soup and reserved the tiny bit that was left for topping the finished soup. The Dreaming Foodie

ISFDB Bibliography

SF Site Review: Dreaming in Smoke

SF Site Review: Someone to Watch Over Me

Review: Lethe

Review: Lethe

A review by Rich Horton

 Advertisement Dreaming in Smoke is Tricia Sullivan's third SF novel. In something of an upset, it won the 1999 Arthur C. ClarkeAward, for Best SF novel published in the UK in 1998. I found it interesting but frustrating. The writing is oftenbrilliant. The ideas are often fascinating. But I felt as if I were, so to speak, "reading in smoke". The story wasdifficult to follow, and the characters difficult to care about. There's much to respect about this novel, but not asmuch, I thought, to like. I have to confess I'd have given the Clarke Award to Ken MacLeod's The Cassini Divisionor Christopher Priest's The Extremes (given the choices on the short list), but I can see some of what I presume thejurors saw in the winner.One can't fault Sullivan's ambition, at any rate. Dreaming in Smoke aggressively amalgamates cyberpunkish tropeswith some very neat speculation about an alien ecosystem. At one level it's an almost conventional story of humansattempting to colonize a new planet. The planet has a different type of life than Earth: so much so that the colonistsalmost fail to recognize it as life. The eventual solution, not an unfamiliar one these days, is for the colonists andthe alien ecosystem to change each other: to sort of meet in the middle. This is a nice subject for a novel, but notespecially new.However, Sullivan's colonial setup is quite different: a group of "Mothers", along with subservientmale "Grunts" have been sent to the planet T'Nane, expecting to terraform it and then bear children from fertilized ovawhich have also been sent.Once there, the terraforming problem turns out to be much more difficult than anticipated, and the Earthborn set up asociety within an expanded part of their starship, and raise their "children" inside, almost never venturing intothe "Wild". This entire system is controlled by the artificial intelligence which had controlled the starship, whichthey call Ganesh, and which has been greatly expanded using the electrical properties of the local quasi-lifeforms. Thesum total is a quite original novel, with sound scientific backing, and good writing. So I wished I could like itmore than I did.

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When there is smoke, there is fire, this saying we have often heard. Even so, dreaming of smoke will have many meanings. Almost everyone has dreamed of smoke, at least once in their lives.

In the dream world, smoke shows good meaning. This dream has a warning about things that will happen soon. You need to pay attention to the details that occur in this dream because each carries a different meaning, and several variations suggest special attention. Below are a few dreams about smoke.

The dream of seeing smoke shows that you have high expectations, but you must do it very carefully to walk the right path. If you cannot see everything because of the smoke in your dreams, this dream indicates that you have difficulty achieving what you want.

If you see cigar smoke in a dream, it indicates that someone is trying to manipulate you. This person has a strong influence on you and is hiding something from you. Think carefully about who is around you and who fits this profile.

The dream of black smoke signifies that you took the wrong action, and this message comes as a request from your subconscious to rethink what you are doing. It can also indicate that there are things or people who are bothering you, and this is blocking your path. So, get rid of this disturbance and start evaluating your attitude, the people near you, and anything that might affect you severely.

The dream meaning of white smoke shows that you are suffering from doubt. The lousy thing seems tempting you. It would help if you remembered one day; this choice will have a significant impact on you. Look for the correct path to make your life change in the right direction.

But if you have never smoked, this dream is a warning for another addiction case that you have defended, and it harms you. Remember that in this case, addiction is not always related to chemicals; even that is your attitude. Read more dream about cigarettes.

The dream of seeing smoke coming out of the chimney indicates that you have worked hard. This dream comes as a sign that the people around you realize how you are always competent. Also, this dream shows that the effort is not in vain, and you will immediately reap the results you planted. Another meaning for this dream is that your household life is entering a happy phase. It all depends on how much you want to receive it with open arms.

The dream of fire smoke is a nightmare. This dream is related to the person who is responsible for feeling safe. The fire in a dream states that you are a very selfish person, and you need to reduce these characteristics.

The dream of smoke clouds shows that you have managed to balance emotions. Besides, the dream also indicates that you are deceiving yourself with a fake life. It would help if you tried to be more realistic at certain times.

Maybe you, like me, decided at some point in your life that you'd had enough of soft drugs for a while. Whether this was the beginning of a smoke-free existence or just a hopeless case of hubris is irrelevant here; the point is that you stopped smoking weed for a bit. When you did, you probably also experienced a plethora of positive effects: You felt more energetic, found it easier to remember things, and stopped spending $20 a day on cheeseburgers and Doritos.

A few days after I quit smoking weed for the first time, I started dreaming again and those dreams seemed more vivid than ever. I realized that as a stoner, I actually hardly ever dreamt at all, and that the few dreams I had weren't half as intense as my dreams these days. What's up with that?

According to Hamburger, this resurgence of dreams is common among former smokers; weed suppresses your REM sleep. When you put your rolling papers, pipe, or vaporizers away for a while, your REM sleep suddenly gets the free rein it had before you became a superficially sleeping stoner

Dreams help you sort through the thousands of impressions and images you encounter every day. When you smoke weed regularly, that function is also suppressed. Dr. Hamburger confirms this: "By smoking weed, you suppress the REM sleep, and with that you also suppress a lot of important functions of that REM sleep. One of those functions is reliving the things you have experienced and coming to terms with them, as it were. Processing all kinds of psychological influences is something you do in REM sleep. You also anticipate the things that will happen the next day or the days after that. While you're sleeping, you already consider those and make decisions in advance."

In other words: your body goes into sprint-dream-mode, and that is why your dreams are so intense. According to Hamburger, the body recovers from the rebound effect on its own over time. "It is a temporary attempt to catch up on all the dreaming you missed when you were smoking weed. It usually goes away after two to three weeks," he said. "Your body will know when it's all caught up and ready to go back to business as usual."

Smoking dreams are common if not universal among ex-smokers. It is especially common when a person is off a short time period, and if it occurs within days or weeks of a quit, it is likely to be extremely disturbing and very realistic. Realistic enough in fact that the ex-smoker will wake up smelling and tasting a cigarette, convinced that he or she has actually smoked. I have had numerous clients search the house for the butt, it was that realistic of a sensation.

When first quitting, one of the early physical repairs that start up is cilia production. Cilia are tiny hair-like projections that line your trachea and bronchus, constantly sweeping particulate matter out of your lungs. When you smoked, you first slowed down, then paralyzed and would eventually destroy cilia. This is why smokers often have more colds and flues, they wipe out the first line of defense against the incoming microbes causing these illnesses. e24fc04721

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