These threads are intended for beginning DJs who are honestly looking for feedback or critique on their technique, selection, transitions, etc. If you are an established DJ who is just looking for more followers/listens on your new mix or have a podcast/radio show, please post it to a more appropriate place such as r/mixes or a genre-specific subreddit. Posts that appear to be purely promotional in nature may be removed at the moderators' discretion. This subreddit is aimed at helping new DJs learn and is not the place to promote yourself!

The DA met with these forgotten and dismissed contract security guards. What we heard was heartbreaking and nausity. It was like listening to warrior stories sponsored by this corrupt ANC. Firstly, contract security personnel were working under the most trying conditions. Two security personnel, a male and female were deployed in the bush to guard and patrol a two kilometer radius of cable without toilets in the vicinity. They were forced to relieve themselves in the bush. The indignity of a women to relieve herself in the bush and in front of a male counterpart, who must look out for criminals and possibly compromising her right to privacy just to be safe.

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