
Dr Andrew Cooke

Lecturer in Sport & Exercise Science

Dr Cooke is leader of POP-LAB and he is...


Dr Donghyun Ryu

Research Fellow in Sport & Exercise Science

Dr Ryu joined POP-LAB from 2017 as AXA Research Fellow. His main research interest is perceptual-cognitive expertise and expert performance in sport. After joining POP-LAB, he mainly focused on the project which entitled, "The Psychology of Hazard Perception: Developing new video-based tools to improve hazard perception training for learner drivers".


Eduardo Bellomo

Eduardo’s research adopts a multi-measure interdisciplinary approach to investigate mechanistic questions at the core of human performance. He is especially interested in the mechanisms underpinning how motor skills are learned, and how performance is influenced by stress. In his experiments he combined fine grained measures of performance (i.e., chunking, movement kinematics) and psychophysiological measures (i.e., EEG, ECG, EMG, eye-gaze).
