
Identification and Inference With Ranking Restrictions, [2023 QE Best Paper Prize]

joint with Thorsten Drautzburg, 

Quantitative Economics, January 2021,  vol. 12 (1), pages 1-39,

[Link to Document][Working paper][Online Appendix][Replication codes]

Choosing Prior Hyperparameters: With Applications to Time-Varying Parameter Models, 

joint with Christian Matthes and Mu-Chun Wang, 

Journal of Business and Economics Statistics, 2020, 38 (1), 124-136

[Link to Document][Working paper] [Online Appendix] [Replication codes

Measurement Errors and Monetary Policy: Then and Now, 

joint with Christian Matthes and Mu-Chun Wang, 

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, June 2017, Volume 79, Pages 66-78 

[Link to Document] [Working paper] [Online appendix

Drifts and Volatilities under Measurement Error: Assessing Monetary Policy Shocks over the Last Century, 

joint with Christian Matthes and Mu-Chun Wang, 

Quantitative Economics, July 2016,  vol. 7 (2), pages 591-611 

[Link to Document] [Online appendix] [Replication codes

Working Papers

Understanding Instruments in Macroeconomics - A Study of High-Frequency Identification [R&R JBES]

joint with Christian Matthes and Mu-Chun Wang, [updated: 05/2023]

[Working Paper]

What Does Monetary Policy Do to Different People? 

joint with Christian Matthes and Mu-Chun Wang, [updated: 09/2022]

[Working Paper]

Regional Monetary Policies and the Great Depression 

joint with Gustavo S. Cortes and Marc Weidenmier

[NBER Version][Current Version][Online Appendix]

Sign Restrictions in Bayesian FaVARs with an application to monetary policy shocks 

joint with Harald Uhlig

[Working paper] [NBER Version

Evolving Credit and the U.S. Macroeconomy: 1920 - 2011 

[Working paper

Depression Econometrics: A FAVAR Model of Monetary Policy during the Great Depression 

joint with Albrecht Ritschl 

[Working paper] [CEPR Version

Work in Progress

Forecasting with Time-Varying Parameter VARs: An Efficient Sequential Monte Carlo Approach 

joint with Zhendong Sun

Macroeconomic Forecasting in Presence of Common Instabilities 

joint with Dalibor Stevanovic