POORandyx Corp

Point Of Origin XY DNA gRoup

I am a 'POORx' Canadian farmer that only plants seeds in the most fertile earth this planet has to offer ... YOUR mind. ... take it or leave it ... once the SEED is planted only YOUR imagination (or lack there of) can stop YOU from seeing 'What is coming in 2020, 2021, 2022 ... etc.' ... https://sites.google.com/view/phd123-xyz/good-and-poor

2021 Jan 05 Goodwinx Business Plan.pdf
2020 Dec 23 Simon Property Group Inc 2nd.pdf
2020 Dec 8 Letter of Intent Valley Lions Project.pdf

01) (your) the Power Of One ... http://tpo1.xyz ... http://tpo2.xyz ... http://tpo11.xyz ... ... http://tpo112358.xyz (Fibonacci number ... http://112358qbits.xyz) or watch the movie (http://thePowerofONE.xyz) and watch, listen and learn what comes of ONE drop of RAIN (RNA http://1RNA.xyz [re-code named Covid-19/20/21 ... http://11RNA.xyz BUT (and there is always a 'but' "Germain lawyer sues because COVID-19 is a hoax") https://www.reddit.com/r/SwanRiver ] Artificial Intelligence Network) dropped ANYWHERE on earth ... (extrapolate) your quantum intelligence from there ... or watch the movie(s) Lucy (http://video2.xyz) or Transcendence (http://video3.xyz).

3) (your) food supply ... http://1foodsupplyinacan.xyz

4) (your) closet ... http://1closetinacan.xyz

5) (your) glass curtain roof & wall(s) ... http://glasscurtainroofwallsinacan.xyz

Step 1

  • 1 metre (length) x 1 metre (width) x 1 metre (height) = 1 cubic metre ... of glass curtain roof & wall(s)

  • $8 US per 1 meter x 1 metre (insulated GOLD/SILVER tinted glass curtain panel

  • if NOT big enough for you to 'live in' ... multiple each dimension by 2 or 4 or 6 or 8 ... etc. until you get the size or house YOU want

Step 2

  • build YOUR 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, etc. metre sided cube ... of glass curtain roof & wall(s) to put your trailer 'home' or full size house in

  • take control of the climate in your yard year round

  • collect (pure) RAIN water on the glass roof for drinking and all washing needs

Step 3

Step 4

  • YOU are the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of YOUR life (NO ONE is going to lead you by the hand or hair to MAKE YOUR LIFE 'BETTER' or ACCOMPLISH YOUR GOAL(s) in life for YOU). Everyone is BUSY looking after themselves (self-driven or not)

  • Watch, Listen, and Learn from the SMART ones ... then learn how to get high on DOPAMINE Naturally ... and strive to stay Naturally high for the rest of your Natural life ... http://1battlefield.xyz

  • http://video2.ca ... program yourself thru your 5 senses

  • http://video4.ca ... The Strangest Secret in the World

Step 5

  • the KEYS to a HAPPY, SATISFIED and FULFILLED ... LIFE are hidden in the articles, books, movies, music and things we do with our hands that we consume with our 5 senses ... http://ceosraddicts.xyz

  • START using YOUR 'mind muscle' get from Point A to Point B ... http://POORandyxz.com

Short Story published (2009): The Walk Home by Randy Colbert

“If I (the 1st customer) can see further than anyone it is only because I am standing on the shoulders of giants” - Sir Isaac Newton and Jeff Besoz

Before reading this story: Imagine, YOU are the main character in this and every story. One can survive almost anything thrown at them for hurdles in life but even though the rules of the game are: There are no rules. Honesty, integrity and perseverance to help others along with yourself will always win the race.

Randy came running home with the news he had gotten his first job in life as a dish washer at a local restaurant the (Timberland Inn) http://timberlandinn.ca/ 2019 Oct 9), (Timberland Inn 1991 Oct 9). As soon as he turned 15 years old, he was anxious to get a job to start making his own money.

About 6 months into his job he got promoted to server which added tips to his pay in addition to the minimum wage he earned. He saved every cent he made with the hope he could eventually buy himself a car although the one he truly wanted he could never afford. His dream car was the Knight Ride car on TV (the world of fantasy).

Then one day a short time after his promotion his parents found a list of adult web sites on his computer in his room. He had accidentally forgotten to put a password on his computer to protect it from prying eyes. What happened next changed his life forever. His parents had a huge argument when Randy got home from work and threw him out of their house. His parents were very ‘close minded’ and religious and would not put up with a gay son in their home. Randy packed up the few cloths he owned and walked out of his parents house and lives forever. He was not to take anything from their house that did not belong to him including his computer.

With nowhere to go, Randy walked the streets (of Swan River, MB [Manitoba] http://www.swanrivermanitoba.ca/ 1991 Oct 9) for hours. As he walked the streets, he began to think of what he was going to need to really survive in the world from this day forward. As luck would have it, Randy spotted a pair of cardboard boxes from a washer or dryer

(from Dufresne Furniture & Appliances, 1321 Main St E, Swan River, MB R0L 1Z0 Phone: (204) 734-4772) in the back alley of a downtown hotel (the Nelson Motel http://www.nelsonmotorhotel.ca/ 2009 Oct 9). A light bulb went off in his head. He could, for the time being, use the cardboard boxes for his home. He could store his cloths and stuff in one and sleep in the other then shower at the nearby community pool/rink. He could go to school during the day and work his new job at night.

That first night was cold and damp. Randy laid there thinking, ”how did he end up homeless in such a short time after feeling like he was on top of the world just days ago.” He came to the realization, what has happened … HAPPENED (for a reason or not) but there is no going back. You either wallow in pity over what happened or you learn from your mistakes and try again to build a better life for yourself and others around you.

He then got thinking back to his time in school: http://RandyColbert.ca/

The next morning he woke up and thought for a moment, “without a better setup he thought he would likely get sick and die”. So while walking the streets to work he kept his eyes open for a solution. He took different routes to work to broaden his prospects. The next day he came upon the local Credit Union being torn down beside their newly built one. He saw a huge pile of HVAC duct work and a light bulb went off in his head. Randy stopped to talk to the man in charge … Don Buhler – (Project Construction and Demolition Manager) also the site foreman. Randy asked Don about buying a few of the HVAC ventilation tubes. To his surprise Don just said, “take what you need free of charge”.

After work, Randy went back to the demolition site and picked out what he needed for duct work. The hotel had dryer vents that exhausted heat out the back of the Nelson Motel. Randy positioned his cardboard box in such a way that he could link the duct work from the hotel to his cardboard home and no one could see it without considerable effort.

Day after day of going to school and then working late, started to take its toll. One day at work while serving a good size table of men in suits, He started wondering what they all did for a job. One of the men stood out as extremely obnoxious from what he could hear, eavesdropping on their conversation, between that and doing his job as their server. When they all left, Randy noticed the obnoxious man had forgotten to take his laptop computer with him. He put it away in the back of the restaurant. The man phoned the next day to inquire if we had his computer. The girl that answered the phone was unaware anyone had found it or where they might have put it. The man got extremely aggressive and abusive on the phone to the point of bringing the girl to tears. Randy was so pissed at the man's behavior when he came into work that evening, he said to myself "screw him" he can wait a few more days before I get it back to him.

The next day he phoned again and before I had a chance to tell him we had his laptop he started accusing me (his waiter that night) of stealing his computer. Randy never said another word. He ranted on for several minutes then hung up. We never heard from him again. After about a week, Randy noticed it was still sitting where he had put it as he was leaving work. He knew it was wrong but he thought he would take it home and see if I could find out where the man worked somewhere in its files.

Randy had bought an electric extension cord and a small lamp at New-2-You https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Shopping---Retail/Simply-Nu-2-U-1074143856072060/ (Swan’s version of Value Village) to get some electricity to use in his cardboard home. When he got home, the moment he opened the laptop and turned it on, a light bulb went off in his head. The Nelson Motel had unrestricted wireless broadband so he had access to the full internet (unrestricted access) for the first time since he was kicked out of his parents home. The school's internet access was so "nannied" it was like being in prison with self-righteous adult (NAZI gestapo) watching every move you made on school computers. After making himself homeless (doing gay things on the internet from the privacy of his own home [correction] his parents home).

He swore to himself he would never take those kind(s) of chances again. The chance of outing himself using the school's NAZI internet network would not set him back in life again. As he searched for clues about the man's occupation in the files on the laptop, he discovered the man was an investment banker at the Swan Valley Credit Union. For the next week he learned all he could about the investment banking industry. He then took the laptop back to the man it belonged too. The moment he seen me holding his laptop, the man was pissed. The moment I handed it to him, he put it straight into the garbage can and said, "it's garbage now, I already replaced it."

I said, "well if you don't want it, can I have it or buy it from you?" Are you crazy, he said. “It has sensitive highly confidential bank customer information on it”. I said, “Are you kidding me?, I read what's on it ... the stuff is not that sensitive”. I could reformat the hard drive and scrub off (all customer data) everything that's on it.

I think he sensed I was to poor to afford one of my own so after a long hesitation he said ok but you have to reformat the hard drive and scrub off everything that's on it right here in front of me. I said ok and within half an hour I was walking out of his office with my brand new computer. I stayed in contact with Stephan Bronconnier, the investment banker, over the years. After showing him how to easily protect the Credit Unions private data he took me under his wing. He helped me setup a discount brokerage account for buying and selling stocks. I started putting all my earnings into my trading account.

I had no rent, no hydro or heating bills, I showered at the pool/rink, I ate all of my meals at the restaurant where I worked and I shopped for all my cloths at Value Village (I mean New-2-You). It is often managed by a very nice guy by the name of Chris.

It did not take long before I was discovered living in my cardboard box by none other than Joan and Ed Nemetchek and their very kind daughter (Michelle). Joan, Ed and their daughter Michelle (the nicest human beings I’ve met yet on this planet) run the Pizza Place Restaurant https://www.facebook.com/Pizza-Place-Swan-River-830910276945537/ in Swan River, MB, Canada. Anyways the family found me a very reasonably priced place to live above the Swan Sports Lounge & Deli https://www.facebook.com/Swan-Sports-Lounge-204473929589743/ , owned and operated by Gail, Joe & their daughter (Jody) Stadnick another very nice family with hearts of gold.

When I wanted to try some other type of food than the Timberland Inn served, I would feel like eating Chinese every now and then at Chen's Restaurant, 119 5 Ave N, Swan River, MB R0L 1Z0, Phone: (204) 734-5737 or Ten-Hsiang Garden Restaurant, 312 Main St W, Swan River, MB R0L 1Z0, Phone: (204) 734-5234 or chef quality meals at Y Not Johnny's, 1496 3 St N, Swan River, MB R0L 1Z0. Menu: http://ynotjohnnys.com , Phone: (204) 734-3266 or (Swan's Best) Madoco's, 124 5 Ave N, Swan River, MB R0L 1Z0, Phone: (204) 734-4718 and then we have the old dependable weekly (Monday) favorate(s) the Pizza Place and the Chicken Chef, 511 Main St E, Swan River, MB R0L 1Z0, Phone: (204) 734-3410

The Westwood is always good too. Westwood Inn Hotel & Indoor Pool, 473 Westwood Rd, Swan River, MB R0L 1Z0, Phone: (204) 734-4548

I got the software I needed to reload my new laptop at school. The moment I got my computer up and running in my cardboard home I started surfing for all the gay porn I could find. After some period of time, I got board with just looking at pics and videos so I decided to address another problem I had in my life and that I had just started to address when I got my first computer and full access to the internet in my parents home. I was one of those kids that slips through the cracks, I went through the Canadian school system (grades 1 thru 12) functionally illiterate. Once a kid hits puberty the only thing haunting them all day long is thoughts of sex. Trying to learn to read using books like "Dick and Jane" and "Spot the Dog" are long gone.

The best way to learn to read after puberty is through stories about sex (whichever type you personally prefer). Sex stories are the ONLY thing strong enough to hold ones attention long enough to break the reading comprehension block or barrier. I used a sight called Nifty.org. I started with the smallest stories they had (one or two paragraphs) and worked my way up to the long stories broken into multiple chapters. When the light bulb went off in my head after reading just a few of the small stories I then knew what reading comprehension meant, I was 15 years old. I knew now the best way to improve my new found reading ability was through practice. I spent hours and hours reading sex stories then one day I found I was no longer interested in spending my time reading them. I now wanted to read other things that interested me. I eventually found Reddit.com. I have been reading Reddit.com since the spring of 1992.

When I turned 17 years old, I decided to go to a (gay) bar to see what it was like. It turned out to be the most friendly place I ever experienced in my life. On the walk home from the bar I encountered a group of red necks (and they were All the bullies I ever encountered throughout my life from birth to 24 years old [the beating took place on the morning of 1991 Oct 9]) they saw me come out of the bar. They undertook to teach me a lesson. [They were all in my head and they all helped 'cripple me' in life long before the farm truck accident (or the beating outside the gay bar)]. I woke up 2 days later in the intensive care unit of the hospital. The staff informed me I had suffered a spinal cord injury to my neck and I might be permanently paralyzed from the chest down for the rest of my life. Over the course of 6 months in the hospital, I fully recovered from my injuries and I swore to myself from that point on to help change the world for the betterment of ALL mankind.

And I could see that to do it "correctly" would require me to be re-born ... So, I started from birth and got as high as a kite right out of the closet (I mean womb). Talk about getting ripped ... I have been high my whole life on morphine (my mother was a "reading" addict) ... I've got the video to prove it ... http://video8.xyz

One thing that never changed thou was my insatiable appetite for watching (gay) porn that appealed to my specific likes and wants, [what turned a light bulb ON in my head]. I was not interested in 99% of the other types of porn out there on the internet. Thank you to these companies that made the (gay) porn videos that (specifically) appealed to me. Over time they (the porn production companies https://www.ranker.com/list/the-best-porn-studios-/the-working-man ) got so good at delivering what (me, myself and I) wanted that I (almost) lost my desire for a real flesh and blood man for a boyfriend and lover. But I'm still looking ...

When I felt I got my daily fill (of all I could eat and want) of my favorite kind of (gay) porn. Then and only then would I change tasks and put my creative attention on something more constructive and re-engage my plan to help change the world for the betterment of ALL mankind.

Just prior to finishing high school in 1986, all I heard from teachers and adults was, "the best place to excel in life was by going to university." Since I had saved much of my earnings from age 15, I had more than enough to attend university.

So I applied to the University of Manitoba and the residence on campus, Tache Hall. I was accepted to both and I moved out of my apartment (home) above the Swan Sports Lounge and Deli (in Swan River) of 3 years and into Tache residence that fall. There I met a broad variety of people but two in particular became my life long friends. Jim and Rae were their names.

Jim was a farm boy attending university to study civil engineering and agriculture (better ways to farm). Rae was a city girl studying Business Administration and she did nursing on the side (for fun) helping people when they needed someone the most in their lives. The moment I met them a light bulb went on in my head and I knew our paths in life were meant to cross. With school running only 8 months of the year, I was on my own for housing the other 4 months. I spent the first summer working on Jim's parents farm as a hired hand. What I saw and learned that summer has stuck with me my whole life. One thing in particular has stuck in my head.

They had ingeniously converted 15 - (40 foot) shipping containers into bunk house living quarters for 30 men. Each had 2 beds, a toilet and a shower/washroom, a TV sitting room with broadband internet and a small kitchenette. What fascinated me with them is they were glorified cardboard boxes requiring: little or no rent, little hydro, and little maintenance. This eye opening moment happened in 1984. Jim and his family opened my eyes to what is potentially possible if one put some imagination and knowledge to work in the world.

Jim’s plan is to: by using the Fibonacci sequence to expand the farmland of the farm foundation exponentially to its logical maximum end (so POORandyx.ca will eventually own all the farmland on earth which will be owned and its bounty shared equally through company equity for every man, woman and child on earth. Current world population as of 2019 Oct 9 is: 7,776,700,000 or 7.7767 billion https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/

But what am I planning to do with my time and effort as of(2019 Oct 9). The North side of the local Co-op store is now available for rent (they want $15,000 per month rent), I want to rent it on the Co-op members behalf (6,589 members). That is $15,000 / 6,589 = $2.28 / member / month. $2.28 x 12 months = $27.36 / member / year.

I want to turn it into a 24 hr 'After Hours’ Community Entertainment Centre.

How One Tiny Company's Revenue Could Explode. Source: Shutterstock. "A New World Monetary Order Is Coming! Be Ready For Global Currency Reset" ... How One Tiny company will take control of the financial foundation of the world and SHARE the "bounty" with every child, woman and man alive on earth. The "domino's" are already falling (exponentially). (eg. ICU AGING POORandyxz Ltd.) http://28video.xyz

The GHAIN - (Global Human Artificial Intelligence Network) is covertly working in the background of the INTERNET doing what (ALL) (but especially the ELITE) billionaires have FAILED to do ... TAKE THEIR TALENTS and HELP THOSE LESS FORTUNATE (than themselves) at the other end of the SAME spectrum.

3) 'Mind Muscle' Project: http://1houseinacan.xyz ... video - http://houseinacan.xyz

We will require (6,589) glorified cardboard boxes (ie. simulator jet aircraft) that meet your needs (but nothing extra) (no bells and whistles like a police car) BUT (and there is always a “but”) with heat/air conditioning.

The "jets" will be (a glorified cardboard box that simulates flying): http://stem6.xyz

Option 1: We provide you with a "jet" ... at cost (estimated cost $44,000 or $44,000 / 5 years / 365 days = $24.11 / day x 365 days) = $8,800.15 / year)

  • byoc (bring your own chair/bed)

  • byob (bring your own booze)

  • byof (bring your own food)

  • byod (bring your own drinks)

  • byol (bring your own laptop/tablet/SMART phone, etc.) for use outside the simulator

  • byop (bring your own parachute)

Option 2: We provide you with a "jet" ... at cost (estimated cost $44,000 or $44,000 / 5 years / 365 days = $24.11 / day x 365 days) = $8,800.15 / year)

$8,800.15 - (cost of goods consumed) = profit per person (member) ... ALL profits will go into "x" (your own 'retirement' account) at
POORandyx GOLD Holdings Ltd ... from there it will be immediately invested in (real) physical GOLD bullion.

  • we provide a buffet breakfast @ cost (estimated cost $10 / day x 365 days) = $3,650 / year)

  • we provide a buffet brunch/diner @ cost (estimated cost $12 / day x 365 days) = $4,380 / year)

  • we provide a buffet diner/supper @ cost (estimated cost $15 / day x 365 days) = $5,475 / year)

  • we provide baths/showers/toilets @ cost (estimated cost $3 / day x 365 days) = $1,095 / year)

  • we provide wardrobe @ cost (estimated cost $6 / day x 365 days) = $2,190 / year)

  • we provide laundry services @ cost (estimated cost $2 / day x 365 days) = $730 / year

  • we provide fibre 5G internet @ cost (estimated cost $2 / day x 365 days) = $730 / year

  • we provide SaaS (Software as a Service) @ cost (estimated cost $2 / day x 365 days) = $730 / year

  • we provide TaaS (Transportation as a Service) @ cost (estimated cost $2 / day x 365 days) = $730 / year

($8,800.15+3,645+4380+5475+1095+2190+730+730+730) = $27,775.15 total / year

$27,775.15 - (cost of goods consumed) = profit per person (member) ... ALL profits will go into "x" (your own 'retirement' account) at
POORandyx GOLD Holdings Ltd ... from there it will be immediately invested in (real) physical GOLD bullion.

Option 3: This will involve using a real jet aircraft and really traveling to a far off destination.

the "real jet" usage will look like this:

1. Load product, staff and crew on jet at 11:00pm local time

2. Choose a destination that uses 7 hours of flight time.

3. (2) Pilots fly plane (taking turns staying awake) (also using auto pilot), (All) 50 staff sleep in beds on jet for 7 hours.

4. After landing at destination, (ALL) staff and pilots unload product onto delivery truck, then board bus to travel to (some ‘cost efficient’) casino for breakfast buffet (eg. ALL you can eat for $15).

5. (ALL) staff then go sightseeing until lunch, then have (some ‘cost efficient’) casino style lunch buffet (eg. ALL you can eat for $20).

6. (ALL) staff then go sightseeing/swimming/touring/etc. in the local area until dinner (supper time), then have (some ‘cost efficient’) casino style dinner/supper buffet (eg. ALL you can eat for $25).

7. (ALL) staff then go night clubbing/dancing/to a play, symphony, movie/etc. in the local area until 10:00 pm local time, they then make their way back to the jet.

8. Load product, staff and crew on jet at 11:00pm local time

9. Choose a destination that uses 7 hours of flight time. (2) Pilots fly plane (taking turns staying awake) (also using auto pilot), (All) 50 staff sleep in beds on jet for 7 hours.

10. On landing at next destination (repeat 4 to 9).

11. If you die while sleeping on the jet you will be cremated at the next destination and your ashes will be postal shipped home.

12. A new staff member will be added to the staff to replace you.

So, 7 hours of flight time per night x 365 days = 2,555 flight hours per year on the real jet.

How many days of the year do (you) want to travel? 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 4 weeks, etc ... eg. 2 weeks x 7 days (= visiting 14 different destinations round the world) x 7 hrs of flight time per day = 2 x 7 x 7 x (cost of jet per person onboard eg. $50/hr) = $4,900 / 14 days = $350 / day + $15 breakfast + $20 lunch + $25 diner/supper + $100 entertainment = $510 / day x 14 days = $7,140 for 2 weeks.

$7,140.15 - (cost of goods consumed) = profit per person (member) ... ALL profits will go into "x" (your own 'retirement' account) at
POORandyx GOLD Holdings Ltd ... from there it will be immediately invested in (real) physical GOLD bullion.

I'm ALSO going to create a political party to win the FEDERAL and (All) provincial elections beginning in (2022) or sooner. 1st across Canada then across the world. Every person on earth will get to be a member. And each member gets to vote multiple times on multiple choices of things and issues UNTIL EACH member feels they are getting what they want and desire (fantasy or reality), it soon will make no difference.

The pary name is: the LG B IQ DATASET FM WKRP Party where everyone on the spectrum are heard, respected and engaged to participate. Each member is the 1st and last CUSTOMER.


L - Lesbian

G - Gay

B - Bi-(racial) nary (i.e. mother English : father French, 0 or 1, etc.)

IQ - Intelligence Quotient

D - Disabled (everyone in some way, shape or form)

A - Abled (everyone in some way, shape or form)

T - Trans-gender (be whoever YOU want to be, why others would have issues with that is beyond me)

A - Age (on the birth to death spectrum)

S - Straight

ET - Extra-Terrestrial

F - Female

M - Male

WK - Working Knowledge (you don't have to 'Know It All' to be a lawyer or a plumber or ANYTHING else)

R - Randyxz - Z XY-DNAr (X =Y, XX = girl, XY = boy, Z = n, n = location of your DNA pool on earth) [z,x,y] ... there are (roughly) 7.7767 billion human DNA pools on earth

P - POOR - Point Of Origin RNA (Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is a molecule similar to DNA. Unlike DNA, RNA is single-stranded. An RNA strand has a backbone made of alternating sugar (ribose) and phosphate groups. Attached to each sugar is one of four bases--adenine (A), uracil (U), cytosine (C), or guanine (G). Different types of RNA exist in the cell: messenger RNA (mRNA), ribosomal RNA (rRNA), and transfer RNA (tRNA). More recently, some small RNAs have been found to be involved in regulating gene expression. https://www.genome.gov/genetics-glossary/RNA-Ribonucleic-Acid )

Every single customer that enters this space will find it so addicting they will not want to leave. They might have to leave if they have a job to go to. But they will be back as soon as they find some free time. It will encompass the following:

When you get up in the morning (every morning) until the moment you die. What do YOU want every day (after you’ve reached puberty)?

1. Have Sex (gay, straight, bi, transgender, etc.) (somehow thru your 5 senses)

2. Eat & Drink Food (somehow thru your 5 senses)

3. Get your 'Drugs' of your choice (good or bad , who is the best judge to decide what YOU choose to put into your body) (somehow thru your 5 senses) ... I have been high on dopamine since I got out of that closet (I mean womb) ... http://video8.xyz

4. Play video games or other forms of entertainment (somehow thru your 5 senses)

5. Sleep if you want to (no 5 senses needs)

6. Socialize with other (somehow thru your 5 senses)

7. Get some work done by others (somehow thru your 5 senses) eg. plumbing, electrical, carpentry, mechanic, dentist, doctor, tele specialist, accountant, lawyer, etc.

8. Do some work for others (like a job) (somehow thru your 5 senses) eg. plumbing, electrical, carpentry, mechanic, dentist, doctor, Tele specialist, accountant, lawyer, etc.

Imagine YOU are the 1st customer through the door.

As Amazon's Jeff Bezos taught me the CUSTOMER is #1.

Our Mission is to SATISFY the daily WANTS & NEEDS of our customers.

You come in the door…we ask you one question, ”What do you NEED or WANT?”.

IF YOU want TO BE COMMITTED (for issues of the mind) … Go to that (SPIN MY MIND (right, left or both) STATION: (you would NOT believe the euphoric HIGH you get from spinning [AS FAST AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN] (wasn’t that a movie?) (It’s extremely addictive (but SAFE), ITS HIDDEN IN OUR EUGENICS) … it was the 1st time I cum in my life (15 years old) and in my pants on the ice, at center ice, right in front of everyone at our figure skating carnival (1982). Because no one talked to me about what happened, I quit figure skating and NEVER spun again. IT’S TIME TO RESUME SPINNING

What YOU WANT or NEED is there.

IF YOU want DRUGS , OPIOIDS or Cannabis (marijuana) … Go to that (DRUGS and OPIOIDS or Cannabis) STATION:

BUT (and there is always a "But") ... Save yourself a lot of time, money and health problems and learn from the best ... http://video8.xyz

What YOU WANT or NEED is there.


What YOU WANT or NEED is there.

IF YOU want SEX (gay, straight, bi, transgender, etc.) … Go to that (ALL SEX) STATION:

What YOU WANT or NEED is there.

IF YOU want Video Gaming Networking & ENTERTAINMENT … Go to that (Video Gaming Networking & ENTERTAINMENTV) STATION:

What YOU WANT or NEED is there.

IF YOU want SLEEP … Go to that (SLEEP ) STATION:

What YOU WANT or NEED is there.


What YOU WANT or NEED is there


As of October 9, 2019, we are fast tracking what will be the biggest paradigm shift in human history. Every school on earth today is setup as a training facility for the young to prepare them for when they are old enough to take a job at the (any) factory. The industrial revolution is over and factories of people working in them no longer exists. The horse and buggy era infrastructure are now a graveyard.

We need our schools to transform themselves into what is in high demand in every community around the world and they don't even know it. Imagine a place to go where everyone (expectant mothers all the way to 90 year olds) can go and participate in the new 21 century facility. They can work/create/entertain oneself day in and day out and share in the equity they help create -->

Global ‘After Hours’ Entertainment Networking Centre - http://CommunityEntertainmentCenter.org

Global Quadriplegic Network http://www.happypigpen.com

I thought I wanted Warren Buffets job then it was the Prime Minister of Canada (2022). Now it is Entrepreneur principal partner with a PhD in Global Customer Service Planning and Development.

This speech has affected the way I think about llfe to this day ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UygnXqoKrC4

http://ICUAGING.xyz ... I C U Aging POORandyxz (Point Of Origin RNA) ... (read backwards) XY DNA (XY=XX; xy=boy, xx=girl) Z = n, n = (number of global locations) ... [x.y.z] coordinates ... then "to infinity and beyond" - (Buzz Light-year) https://youtu.be/bn82dUJopKo ... randyxz@STEM123.xyz (STEM123 - Science Technology Engineering Math) or http://STEM1.xyz (STEM1 - Sex Tits Extacy Meth) ... they are both the same thing ... "Those are FUN for the Whole Family" - Armed And Dangerous (1986) ... https://youtu.be/kQg0oo4szSw ... "The biggest pecker contest I have ever seen" ... https://youtu.be/xkx0MxK-Yl4 and the WINNER is? the Mexicians (or the Spanish ... they are all "good" "god" people) ... "I'm sinking, I'm sinking ... http://audiobook4.ca ... "Why (ALL) teachers fail their students NEEDS? ...
