How much do pool covers cost?

How much do pool covers cost?

Deciding to buy a pool cover is easy, but figuring out how much it will cost can be tricky. One key fact is that the average pool cover costs around $1,712. This article will break down everything you need to know about pool cover costs— from types and sizes to material quality.

Stay with us to uncover the best ways to protect your pool without breaking the bank.

Key Takeaways

Determining Factors of Pool Cover Cost

The type of pool cover, the size and shape of your pool, and the quality of materials used are crucial factors in determining the cost. Placement and material choices impact pool cover expenses significantly.

Type of pool cover

Pool covers come in various types, each with a distinct price tag. Manual pool covers are the most affordable, ranging from R5,000 to R40,000. They're simple yet effective for basic needs.

Meanwhile, safety or security covers cost between $1,200 and $3,000 - a worthy investment for those prioritising the protection of their loved ones and pets. For seasonal use, winter pool covers are available from $75 to $250; they're ideal for keeping your pool clean during colder months.

On the higher end of the spectrum sit automatic pool covers which boast prices between R150,000 to R350,000. These top-tier options offer convenience and efficiency at a premium but are highly sought after for their ease of use and robustness against elements.

Pool cover types and cost indeed vary significantly – understanding these differences is key in choosing the right cover that meets both budget constraints and specific requirements.

Pool size and shape

The size and shape of a pool play a big role in how much you end up paying for a cover. Larger pools need more material, which increases costs. Odd shapes are trickier to cover than simple rectangles or circles, requiring custom solutions that can bump up the price even further.

For instance, an oval or freeform pool might need special cutting and fitting, adding to the overall expense.

Cost variations based on these factors can be significant. A standard rectangle might fit into the lower end of the price range, while bespoke shapes push towards the higher estimates.

Keep in mind; mesh security covers start at about $800 for simpler designs but climb over $1,500 when dealing with complex pool shapes and sizes. This demonstrates just how much impact your pool's dimensions have on your wallet.

Quality of material

Pool cover quality varies greatly, influencing both performance and price. High-quality materials withstand harsh weather, resist tears, and last longer. They might include reinforced PVC or tightly woven mesh, designed to handle heavy loads – be it snow or debris.

These materials also ensure better safety for families with children and pets.

Cheap pool covers might seem like a bargain but often prove more costly in the long run. They can tear easily, require frequent replacements, and offer little in terms of energy savings or water evaporation control.

Investing in a good quality pool cover saves money on maintenance and utility bills over time.

Should Pool Covers Touch the Water? Insights into Pool Cover Placement

Ensuring your pool cover touches the water is more than just a matter of fitting; it directly links to its effectiveness. A properly placed cover can conserve water and retain heat, translating into significant savings.

Water conservation becomes easier as evaporation slows down, keeping your pool full for longer periods without constantly refilling. Heat retention is another critical benefit—by maintaining contact with the water surface, the cover acts like insulation, trapping warmth that would otherwise be lost to the cooler night air.

Installing the cover according to manufacturer recommendations ensures chemical consumption reduction by 35% to 60%. This happens because less UV light reaches the water, slowing down chlorine breakdown.

Not only does this make maintenance easier but also prolongs the life of your swimming pool by protecting it from debris and reducing wear on filtration systems. The decision to let your pool cover touch the water isn't just about following instructions—it's about unlocking potential savings and enhancing pool maintenance efficiency.

Average Cost of Pool Covers in the Market

Let's dive into the nuanced world of pool cover prices. The market today offers a broad spectrum, catering to various needs and budgets. Understanding the average costs involved can empower pool owners in making informed decisions.

Type of Pool Cover

Average Cost

Manual Covers

$50 - $3,000

Semi-Automatic Covers

$500 - $15,000

Automatic Pool Covers

$12,000 - $22,000+

PoolDeck Slatted Automatic Pool Covers

$25,000 - $75,000

High-quality Swimming Pool Covers

$1,500 - $3,000

Prices, as shown, can range dramatically, from as little as $50 to more than $75,000. Key factors influencing this include the type of cover, automation level, and material quality. Automatic pool covers, offering convenience and safety, sit at the higher end, with costs reflecting the sophisticated technology involved. On the other hand, basic manual covers provide an affordable option, though they demand more effort to operate. The middle ground sees semi-automatic and high-quality covers, balancing cost with features for those seeking both efficiency and economy. With such diversity in pricing and functionality, pool owners have the flexibility to choose a cover that best meets their specific needs and budget constraints.

Cost Variation based on Pool Cover Features

Delving into the world of pool covers reveals an intriguing landscape of options, each with its unique set of features and, consequently, cost implications. The diversity in pool cover features can significantly influence the overall investment required for this essential pool accessory. Here's a concise exploration of how various features contribute to the cost variation among pool covers, presented in an easily digestible table format.



Cost Influence

Material Quality

The durability and efficiency of materials like polyethylene, mesh, or vinyl.

Higher-quality materials command a premium, impacting the overall cost.

Type of Cover

From solar covers to automatic PoolDeck Slatted covers.

Solar covers are more affordable, ranging from $75 to $225, while automatic covers can range from $25,000 to $75,000.

Size and Shape

Custom dimensions to fit specific pool sizes and shapes.

Custom-sized or irregularly shaped covers often incur additional charges due to the extra material and labour required.

Thickness and Micron

Refers to the density and thickness of the cover material.

Thicker covers with a higher micron rating tend to be more durable and expensive.

Additional Features

Includes aspects like UV resistance, insulation, and safety locks.

Additional functionalities designed for convenience, safety, or efficiency can significantly increase the price.

Understanding the correlation between these features and their impact on price can guide buyers towards making an informed choice that balances their needs with their budget. Each feature, from the material quality to the inclusion of advanced functionalities, plays a pivotal role in dictating the cost. Buyers are encouraged to consider not only the upfront cost but also the long-term benefits and potential savings associated with opting for higher-quality, feature-rich covers.


Understanding how much pool covers cost involves peeling back layers of factors. From the type and size of your pool to the quality of material used — every element plays a role.

Safety features, automatic mechanisms, and even the shape can all hike up the price. However, remember this; investing in a good cover saves money down the line on maintenance and heating costs.

It’s not just an expense; it's about adding value to your home and peace of mind for you.

For more detailed insights into pool cover placement and whether they should touch the water, kindly visit our comprehensive guide.


[Article 3 Title]: How much do pool covers cost?

1. What is the average cost of a pool cover?

The average cost of a pool cover can range from £500 to £2,500, depending on factors such as size, material, and additional features.

2. Are there different types of pool covers that vary in price?

Yes, various types such as solar covers, automatic covers, and winter safety covers have different prices based on their design and functionality.

3. Do installation costs factor into the total expense of a pool cover?

Yes, installation costs typically add around £300 to £600 to the overall expenditure for a pool cover.

4. Are there ongoing expenses associated with maintaining a pool cover?

Generally, ongoing maintenance costs are minimal but may include occasional cleaning or repairs if necessary.

5. Can I get an estimate for the specific cost of a pool cover for my pool size and type?

Certainly! For an accurate estimate tailored to your needs, consulting with a reputable pool cover supplier or installer is recommended.

--- Article End ---

Default Meta Title: Discover the Truth: How Much Do Pool Covers Cost? Find Out Now!

Default Meta Description: Discover the real cost of pool covers with our in-depth guide. From types to materials, find out how much do pool covers cost and save money today!


Catchy Title:

1. Discover the Truth: How Much Do Pool Covers Cost? Find Out Now!

2. Shocking Revelation: How Much Do Pool Covers Really Cost in the UK?

3. The Ultimate Guide to Understanding How Much Pool Covers Really Cost

4. Unveiling the Mystery: The Real Cost of Pool Covers Revealed!

5. How Much Do Pool Covers Truly Cost? Get the Inside Scoop Here!

Meta Description:

1. Discover the real cost of pool covers with our in-depth guide. From types to materials, find out how much do pool covers cost and save money today!

2. Looking for a pool cover? Learn the average cost and factors that affect pricing. Find out how much do pool covers cost before making your investment.

3. Don't overspend on a pool cover! Get the lowdown on prices, types, and materials to find out how much do pool covers cost in our comprehensive article.

Factual Data (Not all will be added to articles depending on the article's outline):

General Facts

1. The average cost of a pool cover in South Africa can vary depending on the quality of the material, thickness, and microns.

2. Safety pool covers (security covers) usually cost between $1,200 and $3,000 on average.

3. Solid Safety Pool Covers are a multi-functional solid cover that provides a range of solutions, such as securing the pool and keeping it clean and free of leaves.

4. The average pool cover costs $1,712, with prices ranging from $788 to $2,636 depending on factors like type, size, and shape.

5. Prices for pool covers depend heavily on the size and shape of the pool, with larger pools or odd forms requiring more materials.

6. The cost of pool covers is influenced by factors such as the size and shape of the pool, the type of cover used, and the materials used.

7. It would cost $500-1,000 with a solar reel for inground pools, while ground round and oval covers can cost $30-100.

8. Thermal pool covers are another option, with their costs varying based on factors like size and shape.

9. The cost of a pool cover can also be affected by additional features such as automatic mechanisms for opening and closing.

10. It's important to consider the long-term savings on maintenance and energy costs that a pool cover can provide when evaluating its worth.

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Facts about -Type of pool cover, Determining Factors of Pool Cover Cost

1. Manual pool covers range in cost from R5,000 to R40,000 depending on the brand and product quality.

2. Safety pool covers, also known as security covers, typically cost between $1,200 and $3,000 on average.

3. Winter pool covers usually cost between $75 and $250.

4. Automatic pool covers can range from R150,000 to R350,000.

5. The main factors that affect the cost of PoolDeck slatted automatic pool covers include the size and shape of the pool, as well as the quality of the materials used.

6. The average cost of a pool cover in South Africa can vary depending on the quality of the material, thickness, and other factors.

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Facts about -Pool size and shape, Determining Factors of Pool Cover Cost

1. Prices for pool covers depend heavily on the size and shape of the pool.

2. The average pool cover costs $1,712, but prices can range from $788 to $2,636, depending on factors like type, size, and shape.

3. Mesh security covers typically cost around $800 on the low end to $1,500 and up, depending on the size and shape of the pool.

4. An automatic pool cover costs about $7,000 to $8,000, depending on the size of the pool.

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Facts about - Should Pool Covers Touch the Water? Insights into Pool Cover Placement

1. Pool covers can save up to 70% of a pool's operating costs, making them a worthwhile investment.

2. Pool covers help to conserve water, retain heat, and reduce debris, saving on water, electricity, pool chemicals, and time.

3. A pool cover can reduce a pool's chemical consumption by 35% to 60% by reducing the amount of UV light that reaches the water.

4. Pool covers should be installed according to the manufacturer's recommendations to ensure effectiveness.

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Facts about - Average Cost of Pool Covers in the Market

1. An average automatic pool cover may cost between $12,000 and $22,000 or more, including installation.

2. PoolDeck Slatted Automatic Pool Covers can have upfront costs ranging from $25,000 to $75,000.

3. The cost of pool covers can range from $50 to over $100,000, depending on the type of cover.

4. The average cost range for a high-quality swimming pool cover in 2023 is estimated to be approximately $1,500 to $3,000.

5. Different types of pool covers offer different options at varying prices.

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Facts about - Cost Variation based on Pool Cover Features

1. The cost of pool covers can range from $50 to over $100,000, depending on the type of cover used.

2. Pool covers can vary in price based on factors such as size, shape, type, and materials used.

3. Upfront investment for PoolDeck Slatted Automatic Pool Covers can range from $25,000 to $75,000.

4. Solar pool covers typically range in price from $75 to $225, depending on quality.

5. The cost of pool covers varies based on the manufacturer and model.

6. The average cost of a pool cover in South Africa varies depending on the quality of the material, thickness, and microns.

7. There are different types of pool covers, such as solar covers and winter covers, each with varying costs.

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