
Check out the resources we've created/compiled at Psych #rstats Club website

Psych #rstats Club

Check out the presentations on statistics and R and other resources at Psych #rstats Club

A list of Psychology/CogSci Labs in India and Project USPAS for mentorship/resources

Check out the slides for some Research Methods topics I made while tutoring at Everything Psych

Measurement in Psychology

Slides on measurement created with Hritik Gupta

Hypothesis and Types of Hypotheses

Check out the slides for the talk I delivered on navigating academic twitter along with Nikita Ghodke

List of other resourceful websites 

Check out Nikita Ghodke's website for resources on RA applications 

Munna R. S. has resources on learning programming languages 

Check out Anushka Kumar's website for RA resources and behavioral science

Anshita Singh's Instagram has resources for navigating research and applications

Check out Project SHORT for mentorship for Grad school applications 

Join this Discord for early career researchers and trainees in affective science 

Check out Nowhere Lab to get Lab meetings experience virtually 

Check out this community for staying motivated through your academic writing