Talks and Posters

  1. "Neutrino flavor oscillations with tensor network methods", 14th conference on the intersections of particle and nuclear physics (CIPANP 2022), Florida, Sept. 2022 (contributed talk).

  2. "Neutrino many-body problem with tensor network methods", International conference on neutrinos and dark matter (NuDM-2022), Egypt, Sept. 2022 (invited talk).

  3. "Collective neutrino oscillations with tensor networks", N3AS seminar, Aug. 2022 (seminar).

  4. "Exotic phenomena in triaxial odd–odd nuclei", 64th DAE symposium on nuclear physics 2021, India, Dec. 2021 (thesis presentation).

  5. "Proton emission study as a guide to astrophysical rp process", The 16th International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC-XVI) 2021, Sept. 2021, China (poster).

  6. "Triaxial odd-odd nuclei at proton drip-line", African Nuclear Physics Conference 2021, South Africa, Sept. 2021 (contributed talk).

  7. "Simulating the deuteron on a quantum computer", Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India, July 2021 (seminar).

  8. "Microscopic description of triaxial odd–odd nuclei", Mystery of Nucleus, One Day International Webinar on Physics, Manbhum Mahavidyalaya, Kolkata, Nov. 2020 (seminar).