How We Work

We typically represent investors on a contingency fee basis, meaning that we advance the case costs, do not require any money down, and get paid for the case costs and for our work only if and when we recover money for investors. We do not charge any costs or fees if there is no recovery*.

We typically represent investors on a contingency fee basis, meaning that we advance the case costs, do not require any money down, and get paid for the case costs and for our work only if and when we recover money for investors. We do not charge any costs or fees if there is no recovery*.

We represent investors nationwide. Whenever required, we work with local co-counsel, at no additional cost to the client.

Our typical approach in a case is to first identify the parties that are likely liable to investors for the fraud – either the perpetrators or their accomplices or enablers. We then investigate whether those entities have the financial ability to compensate investors in case we are able to obtain a judgment against them. Our goal is to put money back into our clients’ pockets, not just obtain a judgment or an award against an uncollectible defendant.

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