Please note all users MUST view the X Ray Safety Slideshow (email jharris@pomona.edu for the link)
Please note all users MUST view the X Ray Safety Slideshow (email jharris@pomona.edu for the link)
Users must also complete the General X Ray Safety Quiz, along with the XRD specific X Ray safety quiz before using the instrument.
Users must also complete the General X Ray Safety Quiz, along with the XRD specific X Ray safety quiz before using the instrument.
The quizzes are at the bottom of this page
The quizzes are at the bottom of this page
The calendar below shows user times which have already been scheduled.
Please contact Jonathan Harris (jharris@pomona.edu) to schedule sample preparation and instrument time
How to find us:
The Geology Department's XRD lab is located in Edmunds Hall at 185 E 6th St, Claremont
The Lab houses a Rigaku Ultima IV X-Ray Diffractometer, which can be used to characterize a wide range of powdered and solid samples.
Powdered sample preparation is also possible within the Geology Department.
Please contact Jonathan Harris (jharris@pomona.edu) with any questions. Please be aware that we do not offer commercial analyses of any kind.