Outside Hours

Outside hours. Where do I start?

Trying to find enough outside hours and other opportunities can be difficult, and so below are some good opportunities or websites and resources you may find helpful in your search.

Tutoring -

The counseling office needs tutors! If you have an off hour or would like to go in and help during Panther Time, this is a great way to get more outside hours. For more questions, ask see the counseling office.

VolunteerMatch -

A wonderful website where you can select what you can do for volunteering, and in what area, and they keep you updated on events you can help with. https://www.volunteermatch.org

Idealist -

Similar to VolunteerMatch, and can help you to find opportunities specific to the kind of volunteering you want to do. https://www.idealist.org/en?searchMode=true&type=VOLOP

AllForGood.org -

Once again, this website helps you find volunteer opportunities near you, and has search filtering features. https://www.allforgood.org/search