TADA ✨ Initiative
Motivation of our group
We are researchers bulding up a community of machine learning, text-as-data and NLP enthusiasts in the social science domain and friends of all related fields. We aim to create a supportive enviroment to bring like minded researcher together for collaboration and knowledge exchange.
❄️ Winter Speaker Series 2024 ☃️
We will host again 5 amazing speakers from around the world. They will present their outstanding text-as-data work to us and we'll discuss their papers in depth.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We are always here to help! You can send us a message on Twitter, Bluesky, or by mail.
Efficient Zero-Shot and Few-Shot Classifiers for Political Text
Michael Burnham (Princeton) @ML_Burn
2024-10-16, 5 pm CEST (online)
Masked Language Models for Narrative Classification
Alexis Palmer (NYU) @LexiPalmer_
2024-10-30, 5 pm CEST (online)
Political Speech as a Forecasting Tool for Democratic Backsliding
Humeyra Biricik (University of Oxford) @humeyrabiricik
2024-11-13, 5 pm CEST (online)
Diffusion of Ideas
Caterina Chiopris (Harvard) @CChiopris
2024-11-27, 5 pm CEST (online)
Flipflopping in the European Parliament: Electoral and Intra-party Politics of MEPs’ Migration Speeches
Tobias Hofmann (FU Berlin)
2024-12-12, 5 pm CEST (online)
Previous talks
Probing Ciritical Learning Dynamics of PLMs for Hate Speech Detection
Sarah Masud (Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology) @_themessier
2024-04-10, 5 pm CEST (online)
PolitiCause: Causality in Political Texts
Paulina Garcia Corral (Hertie School) @_paugc
2024-04-24, 5 pm CEST (online)
How Alignment Helps Make the Most of Multimodal Data
Andreas Küpfer (TU Darmstadt) @ankuepfer
2024-05-08, 3 pm CEST (online)
Liberal mimicry and revisionist powers in the UN General Assembly
Jana Lipps (ETH Zurich)
2024-05-22, 5 pm CEST (online)
Undermining the Parliamentary Patriarchy: Woman, Political Speech, and Power Around the World
Jens Wäckerle (University of Cologne) @Jwaeckerle
2024-06-05, 5 pm CEST (online)
Is Propaganda Front-Page News?
Philine Widmer (ETH Zurich) @phinifa
2023-10-18, 5 pm CEST (online)
Measurement of Social Constructs with NLP using Two Case Studies of Workplace Depression and Sexist Language
Indira Sen (GESIS) @indiiigosky
2023-11-01, 5 pm CEST (online)
Paying the Piper: Government advertising and media bias
Alejandro Beltran (The Alan Turing Institute) @beltranalexj
2023-11-15, 5 pm CEST (online)
Analysing Political Texts with Less Data and Deep Transfer Learning
Moritz Laurer (VU Amsterdam) @MoritzLaurer
2023-11-29, 5 pm CEST (online)
How Effective are (Disruptive) Protests at Shifting Public Discourse in Activists’ Preferred Direction?
Michael Jacobs (University College London)
2023-12-13, 35 pm CEST (online)
Language Complexity in Parliament: Use and Effect of Simple Language Among Populist and Non-Populist Actors in Parliamentary Debates
Rebecca Kittel (European University Institute) @rebecca_kittel
2024-01-10, 5 pm CEST (online)
Musashi Hinck (Princeton University) https://github.com/muhark
2024-01-24, 5 pm CEST (online)
NLP-supported (e-)deliberation: interdisciplinary challenges and real-world applications
Gabriella Lapesa (GESIS & Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf) @GabriellaLapesa
2024-02-07, 5 pm CEST (online)
Dirk Wulff (Max-Planck Institut) @dirkuwulff
2024-02-21, 5 pm CEST (online)
Named-Entity Recognition with Application to Foreign Leader Mentions in Congressional Speeches
Ashrakat Elshehawy (University of Oxdord) @AshElshehawy
2023-03-08, 3:30 pm CEST (online)
Battle of Words: Dynamics of Echo Chambers among European Elites
Joris Frese (European University Institute) @fresejoris
2022-03-22, 5 pm CEST (online)
The Politics of Right and Wrong: Moral Appeals in Political Communication across Time, Space, Ideology, and Topics
Tobias Widmann (Aarhus University) @TobiasWidmann
2023-04-19, 5 pm CEST (online)
Political Metaphors in U.S. Governor Speeches
Léo Picard (University of Basel) @leops95
2023-05-03, 5 pm CEST (online)
Immigration and Social Distance: Evidence from Newspapers during the Age of Mass Migration
Gloria Gennaro (University College London) @gloriagennaro
2023-05-17, 5 pm CEST (online)
Visuals within Multimodal Studies
Erik Bucy (Texas Tech University) @erikpbucy
2023-05-31, 5 pm CEST (online)
Sequential Seeded LDA: A Topic Model for Theory-driven Classification of Sentences
Kohei Watanabe (Lazard Asset Management) @koheiw7
2022-09-20, 10-11am CEST (online)
Perceptions of Changing Status Hierarchies: An Analysis of Open-ended Survey Responses
Delia Zollinger (University of Zurich) @dpzollinger
2022-10-04, 5-6pm CEST (online)
Ludovic Rheault (University of Toronto) @LudovicRheault
2022-10-18, 5-6pm CEST (online)
Named-Entity Recognition with Application to Foreign Leader Mentions in Congressional Speeches
Ashrakat Elshehawy (University of Oxford) @AshElshehawy
2022-11-01, 5-6pm CEST (online)
Anne Lauscher (Bocconi University) @anne_lauscher
2022-11-15, 5-6pm CEST (online)
Jana Bernhard (University of Vienna)
2022-11-29, 5-6pm CEST (online)
Hauke Licht (University of Cologne) @hauke_licht
2022-12-13, 5-6pm CEST (online)
Maiken Roed (Lund University)
2022-04-12, 5-6pm (online)
Fabienne Lind (University of Vienna) @FabienneLind
2022-04-26, 5-6pm (online)
Christian Pipal (University of Amsterdam) @christianpipal
2022-05-10, 5-6pm (online)
How Simple Messages Affect Voters' Knowledge and Their Perceptions of Politicans - Evidence from Large-Scale Survey Experiment [Paper]
Roman Senninger (Aarhus University) @r_senninger
2022-05-24, 5-6pm (online)
Linking Datasets on Organizations Using Half A Billion Open Collaborated Records
Connor Jerzak (University of Texas)
2022-06-07, 5-6pm (online)
Measuring Agenda Setting in Interactive Political Communication
Erin Rossiter (University of Notre Dame) @erinrossiter
2022-06-21, 5-6pm (online)
Johannes Gruber (European University Viadrina) @JohannesBGruber
2022-07-05, 5-6pm (online)
Federico Bianchi (Stanford University) @federicobianchy
2022-07-19, 5-6pm (online)
Join the community ⬇️
Send us a DM @nicolaiberk or @chklamm on Twitter to join the text-as-data slack channel.