How can I be featured?

Every month there will be three featured openings, two for PolliFeature, artists selling Clothes/Accessories/Wearable or Carriable art. One for PolliPet showing off one pet monthly, doodled as Polli (our angry mascot!)

PolliFeature is open for submissions for May 2022 and beyond, the deadline to put your name in the ring is April 21st!

To Enter PolliFeature:

Fill the form below


Email in this format:

Subject: 'Polli Feature Submission'

Message: hi! i'm (your name) here's my (your @ to your store/ site)

On April 21st two creators will be randomly chosen to make a spread for May's Issue. The chosen winners of the month will be contacted via email and posted to our homepage.

When signing up please remember there is no guarantee that you will be placed for that month, it's all based on what the wheel has said.

Please check the calendar if you are curious about due dates and spin times.

'template for final submissions':

We have a right to decline any PolliFeatured requests. Upon refusal you will receive feedback as to why you where refused and if needed, the changes that need to be made.