Founder - Dick Dye
Dick Dye - Polk Pedalers 1st president
There was a time when bicycle riders in Polk county rode alone. Maybe a friend or two would join. By the early 2000s, announcements in the Itemizer Observer offered monthly rides. At first, it was a loose knit group, until Dick Dye showed up around 2009. Employing his boy scout training, it was Dick’s intention to create a real bicycle club. Soon there were club officers, Dick as president and others falling in line.
Our newly formed Polk Pedalers Club now rode consistently and often. Monthly rides spurred weekly loops. Then came full blown tours with sag wagons and motels. The first was Montana where we visited Dick’s home town of Plains. During the John Day adventure Dick impressed us with his two mile, thousand foot climb in 102 degrees. Something only youngsters should attempt, but he was tough. The North Cascades ride revealed just how much Dick enjoyed ice cream shops. By the way, Dick and the club rode to experience the 2017 Eclipse totality.
Dick was a caring and involved club president. If he could ride every day, he would have. We miss him and will always remember his enthusiasm, kindness and strong heart. It was a privilege, challenge and joy to ride with Dick Dye.