
Empirical Research on Xi Jinping Texts: A political economy project


プロジェクトの概要 Project overview


This project empirically analyzes Chinese political economy based on textual and economic data. 






メンバー Member


 Integrating perspectives from area studies, political science, and economics

伊藤亜聖/Asei ITO

東京大学社会科学研究所准教授/Associate Professor,  The Institute of Social Science at the University of Tokyo

Personal website

林載桓/ Jaehwan LIM

青山学院大学国際政治経済学部国際政治学科教授/Professor , The School of International Politics, Economics and Communication at Aoyama Gakuin University

Personal website

張紅詠/Hongyong ZHANG

経済産業研究所上席研究員/Senior Fellow and Policy Adviser, The Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry

Personal website

※Discussion Papers ディスカッションペーパー

Ito, Asei, Lim, Jaehwan, and Zhang, Hongyong. (2022). Catching the Political Leader’s Signal: Economic policy uncertainty and firm investment in China. RIETI Discussion Paper Series, 22-E-081. https://www.rieti.go.jp/en/publications/summary/22080023.html


伊藤亜聖(2023)「習近平政権の政策語彙~2012年11月15日-2022年10月23日~」日本国際問題研究所・中国研究会報告書, 27-56頁,



Ito, Asei, Lim, Jaehwan, and Zhang, Hongyong. (2023). Political Visits and Firm Value Evidence from central leaders’ local tours in China. RIETI Discussion Paper Series, 23-E-050. https://www.rieti.go.jp/en/publications/summary/23070015.html


Lim, Jaehwan, Ito, Asei, and Zhang, Hongyong. (2023). Policy Agenda and Trajectory of the Xi Jinping Administration: Textual evidence from 2012 to 2022. RIETI Policy Discussion Paper Series, 23-P-008.



Ito, Asei, Lim, Jaehwan, and Zhang, Hongyong. (2023). Belt and Road Initiative in Xi Jinping's Policy Agendas, mimeo, October 2023.


Ito, Asei, Lim, Jaehwan, and Zhang, Hongyong. (2023). Remembering Li Keqiang: From divergence to convergence in Zhongnanhai. Harvard-Yenching Institute Working Paper Series, December 20, 2023.



Lim, Jaehwan, Ito, Asei, and Zhang, Hongyong. (2024). Unpacking Wolf Warrior Diplomacy: Evidence from Foreign Ministry Press Conference Dataset. (mimeo)


伊藤亜聖・林載桓・張紅詠 (2024).「データとしての習近平重要講話」東京大学社会科学研究所ディスカッションペーパーシリーズ, J-249. https://jww.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/publishments/dp/dpj/pdf/j-249.pdf


※Journal articles 論文

Ito, Asei, Lim, Jaehwan, and Zhang, Hongyong. (2023). Catching the Political Leader’s Signal: Economic policy uncertainty and firm investment in China. China Economic Review, 102035. https://www.rieti.go.jp/en/publications/summary/22080023.html

Lim, Jaehwan, Ito, Asei, and Zhang, Hongyong. (2024). Uncovering Xi Jinping’s Policy Agenda: Text as Data Approach. The Developing Economies, forthcoming.


※Outreach articles アウトリーチ記事

伊藤亜聖・林載桓・張紅詠 (2022).「政治指導者のシグナルを捉える:中国における経済政策不確実性と企業投資」RIETIノンテクニカルサマリー、2022年8月. https://www.rieti.go.jp/jp/publications/nts/22e081.html.

伊藤亜聖・林載桓・張紅詠 (2023).「政治家による企業訪問と企業価値:中国における中央指導者の現地視察からのエビデンス」RIETIノンテクニカルサマリー、2023年7月. https://www.rieti.go.jp/jp/publications/nts/23e050.html.

伊藤亜聖・林載桓・張紅詠 (2024).「在りし日の李克強と彼亡き後の中南海」RIETIスペシャルレポート、2024年1月10日.


林載桓・伊藤亜聖・張紅詠 (2024). 「データが明かす習近平の政策アジェンダ 権力の集中は政策をどう変えたか」RIETIスペシャルレポート、2024年6月11日. https://www.rieti.go.jp/jp/special/special_report/209.html

※Presentations 学会発表

“Catching the Political Leader’s Signal: Economic Policy Uncertainty and Firm Investment in China”, presented by Asei Ito at 中国経済経営学会全国大会, 2022年11月6日, 日本福祉大学 東海キャンパス. https://jacem.org/pdf/event/2022_zenkoku_program.pdf


“Discovering China’s Policy Trajectories in the Xi Jinping Era: A Text-as-Data Approach to Presidential Speeches, 2012-2021”, presented by Jaehwan Lim at アジア政経学会, 2022年11月27日。https://www.jaas.or.jp/wp/wp-content/files/pdf/taikai/a2021-2015.pdf.


“Discovering China’s Policy Trajectories in the Xi Jinping Era: A Text-as-Data Approach to Presidential Speeches, 2012-2022”, presented by Jaehwan Lim at 計算社会科学会、第2回計算社会科学会大会(CSSJ2023)、2023年2月20日(月). https://css-japan.com/2022/12/13/cssj2023/.


“Political Visits and Firm Value: Evidence from High Officials’ Local Tours in China”, presented by Asei Ito at the Chinese Economists Society North America Conference 2023. April 1st, 2023, University of Oklahoma. https://www.china-ces.org/Files/202303301928561122.pdf


“Belt and Road Initiative in Xi Jinping's Policy Agendas”, presented by Asei Ito at “China’s Belt & Road Initiative at Ten” US Naval War College and Boston University, October 13, 2023 (invited). https://www.bu.edu/asian/2023/09/13/conference-chinas-belt-road-initiative-bri-at-ten-us-naval-war-college-and-bu-oct-12-13-2023/


“Xi Jinping’s Effect on Firms, Markets, and Security”, presented by Asei Ito at “Globalization and Economic Security in Asia and Beyond” at Featuring the Program on US-Japan Relations of Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University. Wednesday, October 18, 2023. https://wcfia.harvard.edu/conferences/23-24-weatherhead-spotlight


“Political Visits and Firm Value: Evidence from Central Leaders’ Local Tours in China”, presented by Hongyong Zhang at 中国経済経営学会全国大会, 2023年11月12日、同志社大学烏丸キャンパス. https://jacem.org/pdf/event/2023_zenkoku_program.pdf


"Remembering Li Keqiang: From Divergence to Convergence in Zhongnanhai", presented by Asei Ito, Chinese Economists Society 2024 North America Conference, March 30-31, 2024. https://www.china-ces.org/Conferences/ConferenceDefault.aspx?ID=3055


※Media coverage メディアカバレッジ

The Economist, October 12th, 2023, “Xi Jinping bumps up the share prices of firms he visits”. https://www.economist.com/china/2023/10/12/xi-jinping-bumps-up-the-share-prices-of-firms-he-visits


※Data データ

XiEPU index: https://github.com/ASEIITO/xiepu

Funding 研究資金

本プロジェクトは2024年度より科学研究費助成事業、基盤研究(B)「習近平文書の実証研究:生成比較と因果推論」(2024年度-2027年度, 24K03158)の支援を受けています。

This project is supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), "Empirical Research on Xi Jinping Texts: Generation, comparison and causal Inference" (FY2024-FY2027, 24K03158).