
"The Idea of America" Discussion Topics

An educational website that has a "Summary of the Great Debate and Value Tensions" unity vs. diversity: one nation with a variety of cultures, ethnicities, and religions private wealth vs. common wealth: our labor and skills earn us individual resources, but we also pool resources for the common good law vs. ethics: we value rule of law, at the same time recognizing sometimes a law is unjust freedom vs. equality: total freedom allows some to trample rights and impose inequality, while total equality inhibits individual rights 

Source: page 3 of a literacy activity

Support for Centrist Views and Independent Candidates An organization discusses our broken system serving special interests

Half Hour of Heterodoxy podcast ep. 48: Julian Zelizer on Polarization and U.S. History: 

Freakonomics Radio ep. 356: discusses the long-standing duopoly and propose three election reforms:

Election reform: RepresentUs is America’s leading anti-corruption organization

America First: Syndicated columnist Kathleen Parker  declared herself an independent and stated “it’s time to denounce the harsh partisans who feed on polarization. It’s time to give independents a voice.”  She received the Pulitzer Prize for her political and moral commentary. 

Support for Bipartisan Cooperation and Dialog

Rebel Wisdom: discusses getting past filter bubbles and tribalism 

Revive Civility: An organization promoting across-the-aisle discussion about sensitive political topics promotes discourse and nonpartisan governmental reforms 

Cultures of Dignity:  promotes civility in schools 

Ted Talks Daily podcast: "Why it's worth listening to people you disagree with" by Zachary R. Wood  

We must not be enemies: with the subtitle Restoring America's Civic Tradition is the title to a new book. Using this line from a presidential address by Lincoln. Author Micheal Austin, a university administrator, insists that the world doesn't need any more books detailing who is destroying democracy. He calls not for politeness but for better quality of dialog along with better intentions.

How Liberals Can Communicate Across the Great Divide: by New Society Books

Courage Renewal: Offers several ways for a dignified discussion of "the polarities too often promoted during our 24-hour news cycle" 

The Soul of America: Links to a film project by Nic Askew

Respectful Writers

It is important to draw attention to thinkers who are taking on cultural and political hot topics intelligently and without demonizing some other position than their own. This is just a start.

Videos Exploring Nuance Behind a Political Stance

Share Your Resources

If you know of or have a resource like those above that you'd like us to consider adding to the list, send a note to