KYGA is hell benton fueling the school to prison pipeline!

Please contact the Governor's office 502-564-2611 and demand he VETO SB8, which will tie the hands of our elected JCPS school board members and undo all the progress that has been made toward divesting in overpolicing of black and brown students and investing in front end supports and resources. There was no other reason for our legislators to introduce this triggering bill that requires armed SROs in all KY schools, unless it was to counteract our school board's recent decision to remove them. Please watch the video to learn why this bill is overreaching and racist. Then, please help us stop it. #No2SROs #PoliceFreeSchools #WeChooseEquity

How does a VETO work?

Unlike the U.S. President, the governor does not have the option of a pocket veto. If the governor does not make a decision to sign or veto a bill, it automatically becomes law after 10 days. In the event that the legislature adjourns to prevent the return of a bill by veto, the bill becomes law three days after the commencement of the next legislative session unless the governor explicitly vetoes it. (With the federal pocket veto, the bill is considered vetoed after ten days if the legislature adjourns.) The governor's veto can be overridden by roll-call majority votes of both houses of the legislature.