I have built a two channel fixture with a lamp and a motor-driven reflector that spins at variable speed depending on the dmx value received, to simulate an old-timey 'police light' the kind that spins (think warning beacon in a nuclear power plant). It takes a value for intensity and a value for rotation speed. (see attached image for the type of fixture I'm talking about).

I was wondering if you could make the Two Siren Audio files that were used for the police vehicles in Season 7, Episode 1, and allow them to be purchased as single looped horn that interchanges, similar to how the Interceptor vehicles change siren loops randomly!

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Hello, I was making a police siren on my breadboard (tinkercad) using a piezzo speaker and a push button that flashes leds(turns on & off quickly) when the pushbutton is pressed, but it wont work. Ive tried many things but none of it working, the leds wont flash and there is no sound from the speaker when the button is pressed. any help provided would be appreciated - highschool computer engineering student

If you are an emergency responder, you need to be able to rely on your 100-watt siren or 200 watt Police Siren to help your police car move through traffic and get to the scene as quickly and safely as possible.

Empower police, firefighters, medical personnel and first responders with our high-quality LED lights for vehicles. We design and program our products using the latest in LED lighting technology to meet the industry standards for emergency response vehicles. With our three-year warranty and superior customer service, LED Equipped is the lights and sirens supplier you want to use.

Combined with a light bar, our police sirens and siren speakers grab the attention of drivers to clear the path for the police car to arrive safely at the scene. Check out the police car siren product pages to hear the police siren sounds.

Shop our collection of police sirens and siren speakers for your fleet today, or call us at 1-800-446-6809. Our expert technicians will be happy to help you choose the police car sirens and siren speakers to suit all your needs.

Police sirens play a vital role in ensuring that people on the road and indeed pedestrians are alerted to the presence of a police vehicle. There are many uses and functions of a police siren in emergency situations as well as everyday processes for police officers on the road. These sirens are not just used to alert drivers, but people on the sidewalk as well. And it doesn't stop just for police, there are uses for the ambulance siren, and fire truck siren as well. For instance, a police officer might be speeding through traffic in pursuit of an offending vehicle. In cases like this, it is important that pedestrians do not attempt to cross the road. This is just one example of the functions of the siren. We can look at the functions in more details as well as the different sounds that officers can use for their sirens when they are on the job.

There is also a separate siren that can be used when escorting a vehicle such as a truck carrying money. You might think that you can tell the difference between these types of sirens. However, to the untrained ear, they are actually remarkably similar. Why then are different sirens used? It is more to do with a subconscious effect on your senses that you are probably not aware of. Basically, it is all about doing whatever is necessary to gain the maximum attention.

Of course, the main function of a police car siren is to make sure that police officers can get from point a to point b as rapidly as possible. Many people wonder why police officers use sirens when it clearly alerts criminals that they are on their way. The simple fact is that without the sirens, traffic would not move to clear a path and for a good reason. After all, the siren alerts road users that the police are responding to an emergency. Without it, people will simply assume that it is either patrolling or even off the job and if that is the case, they have no reason to alter their course or indeed pull over, when used along with police and emergency vehicle lights, it's a powerful warning to anyone.

In the case of traffic offenses, a siren can also be used to alert a driver that they have been spotted and should pull over when it is safe to do so. Typically, a siren will be used if the car is speeding. If it is a minor offense, such as a broken taillight, it is likely that the warning light bar will be the only warning as the police officer may realize that this will be enough to get a driver who is unaware that they have broken the law to pull over.

There is also the matter of safety. If a police officer is in a high-speed pursuit, a road will be far safer if cars move out of the way and clear a path. A police officer may not slow down in a situation like this and risk a criminal getting away, and if a car does not move, it could cause a dangerous or even fatal collision. There is also the issue of pedestrians. Not all pedestrians cross the road safely, and it is vital that they do not walk out in front of a speeding police car when attempting to cross.

Finally, a siren may be used when a police car is being used to escort a vehicle. It is worth pointing out that this does not always mean that the vehicle has some sort of high value and is at risk of theft. It could be that it is a slow-moving vehicle on a highway where people are traveling at fast speeds that is taking up two lanes. In this type of situation, the siren is essentially alerting drivers that there is a danger ahead and they should be cautious.

So obviously, just by the title you can see that this issue is very odd and doesn't seem related at all. How could a bunch of visual changes (legit just replaced the timecyc and visualSettings files) make my police cars' sirens suddenly not work *at all*?

I installed all the mods in this video (downgrader, ZolikaPatch & GTA Connected), and it all worked well when my game was default. Installed an ENB (iCEnhancer Natural) to test it out, it didn't work (had a black screen issue which I found out how to resolve), and once I removed the ENB files, I noticed that police cars no longer have the police horn, and instead have the default horn (I think it's the taxi horn). Pressing the horn key to turn on sirens doesn't work either.

After messing around for a bit, I couldn't get them to work again and re-installed GTA 4. This time I installed the same mods from that video, all worked well. Installed some weapons, weapon sounds, all worked well, police sirens still working. Then I decided to give a different ENB a try - it was this ENB that I tried to download the second time time.

The ENB didn't work again, my screen was black, so I removed its files. This time, I wasn't stupid though, and made back up of ALL the files it replaces (timecycle files and the visualSettings.dat) - but to no avail. I came back in-game without an ENB only to be shocked by the fact that I couldn't hear police sirens again.

So, that's my issue basically. Installing an ENB seems to completely mess up police cars for me, and removing it doesn't fix it. Police cars' sirens were working properly prior to installing the ENBs I tried, so I can't really think that this is anything else other than an ENB issue. If anyone could give me some tips how to fix it, it'd be greatly appreciated because I really don't wanna re-install GTA 4 for the third time.

I do personally pull over when I hear a siren and I see lights in my mirror, as I think the admin NEEDS to drive to a destination quickly. I always think if I do not let the admin pass that it might get considered as blocking and I might get banned. So I always slow down, and pull on the side of the road to let him pass.

I have found this only once and that time, the GM not only had lights and sirens on, he asked me to pull over and stop, so I did. Luckily, it had nothing to do with me breaking any rules, it was just that the GM and I knew each other and he had decided to do a little "role playing", stopping me, asking for documentation, cargo, etc. We were stopped for a while, having a friendly chat and then kept going.

But if I found myself in that situation right now, I'd only feel annoyed. I believe that game moderators should not go driving their police cars, lights or not, sirens or not. They should be stopped, looking into reports, using freecam and teleport to check the reported situations, etc. If they want to call me out for anything, they can use in-game chat, PM or even the CB. Obviously, they have the right to play just as anyone else, but when doing this, they should not go as GMs, but as any other player, no police car, no sirens, no lights... Just my opinion.

Since ETS2 is a simulation based game, especially newbies might think they need to let them pass or so otherwise they get banned or so. Either add this thing into the game that you NEED to let them pass or just clarify the police sirens and lights just to be cosmetical.

Me personally, I like to drive around in the police car only to make it known that a admin is on the server. However, the only times I use the lights and siren is if I see someone doing something wrong or if someone ask me to pull them over for their live stream or video their recording. I look at as community involvement.

Considering anything the mods need to do can be done through the free-cam and admin commands, why would you even care about the lights and siren? It's just a noisy beacon and honestly any moderator that tries to "pull me over" or tries to act like a cop, I'm just going to ignore them. It's bad enough that you have kids trying to paint their skodas and act like cops, the mods shouldn't be doing it unless it's for some event or they're blocking a road.

So as I stated(I think) The "pulling people over" thing is only done via request for their video or stream(Speaking for myself). Now the only time I would turn my lights and siren on behind someone is if they were doing something bad and almost wrecked or caused damage to another player. Depending on the severity of the situation, I would remove them from the server. So what I'm getting at here is that I would only use them during a roleplay situation(requested by a player) or to serve as a warning to anther player. 2351a5e196

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