Skills and Buzzwords

Dr. Polar Humenn

This page lists the technologies I have experience with and some of my public work. You can find some stuff on my github profile.

Ruby on Rails, Rake, MySQL

I have been developing with Ruby on Rails since Rails 1.1 with various research projects when I was employed as a researcher at Syracuse University. Used MySQL.


I have developed several internal mapping apps (and SDKs) for Trimble MAPs and Busme! (which is now defunct).


I have been working on several iOS apps for both the iPhone and iPad:

qTracks Apple Store More info at Adiron, LLC. This app organizes and plays backing tracks for musicians for performances.

qLyrics (currently in development and review). This app is analogous to the qTracks app in that it queues and organizes PDF lyrics for musicians. Has a scrolling editor which allows the musician to time scroll the document up and down at certain points so that they do not have to touch the screen during performance.

Cloud Services

All my current work uses AWS, Google, Linode, Dreamhost, so I'm experienced in the management of these services and Linux based administration.

Other Stuff

Java, J2EE, Maven, Apache CXF

I have done extensive work in Java, and was even hired by Sun Microsystems at its early stages to analyze its security model. I was a co-author of the CSIv2 security protocol for CORBA which is used in J2EE. Of course, all Android projects are written in Java.

On contract, I worked with IONA Technology, Ltd in Ireland on the security interfaces and implementations for the Apache CXF project as one of their profitable Artix products was based on Apache CXF. IONA was acquired a number of years ago. This project used Java, J2EE, XML, and used Maven and CVS for source control and assembly management.


These are merely syntactic data formats, but people like seeing these buzzwords.

HTML, HTML5, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, OpenLayers, and a host of other web plugins.

All technologies used in web frontends and web services. Others which I have had some experience with, but not extensive, include AngularJS, React, and the host of other new things coming out that I continuously check out. Nothing I can't handle.

Node.js, Javascript, Typescript, Angular

It's Javascript. Really, it is.

C, C++, PHP, Python, Bash, Csh, TCL, GTK, GTK+, Fortran, LISP, Haskell, Scala, Prolog

All languages and packages I with which I have extensive experience.


I'm not much of a Windows guy, but I can navigate and develop for it in C#, F#, and do C# programming for behind the scenes Sharepoint. I understand since I was on the standards committee for CORBA I also understand .NET, yeah, I mean SOAP and XML.

Linux and other Unix variants

I have the most experience with Unix based systems having been in that world for a long time, since before Unix Version 6.