Poker Satellite Strategy resources

Thank you for purchasing Poker Satellite Strategy on Audible. Please find below some free materials for each relevant section of the book where imagery was required. If you are enjoying this book, we have also written a new one on Progressive Knockout Tournaments.

We are working on a third tournament book right now, if you join Dara's free strategy newsletter mailing list you will be the first to hear about it and may also get a chance to beta test it for free.

How to do Chance of Cashing (COC) Calculations

From the End Game - Calls chapter please find a section on how to do COC calculations which we felt was too complicated to do in audiobook format. Below is a video on how to do the related calculations.

Shove Charts

From the End Game - Shoves chapter please find the tables with shoving ranges for you to follow along to the audio with

Additional Material

If you want to read along as well as listen along, get Poker Satellite Strategy on paperback or Kindle.

If you want to further your study and do your own complex ICM calculations, we highly recommended HoldemResources Calculator.

Dara had two helpful AMAs on satellites on Reddit and Cardschat where a lot of your questions may have been answered.

For a deep dive into satellite ICM check out this video he did with Collin Moshman (who is mentioned in the book)

Dara also has produced two satellite webinars including an advanced hand history review of a $2,600 which you can purchase directly from him

If you enjoyed the book or you have any questions, don't forget to follow Dara on Twitter to ask him a question or let him know about a satellite win you have had. You can also check out his award winning podcast The Chip Race.