The Poker Hand Range Calculator calculates Texas Hold'em hand ranges from percentage values and vice-versa. All this online and free. Setup a poker range by selecting the hands in the poker hand calculator and share the link which is automatically generated for you.

To fully utilize the poker hand calculator, follow the steps below:  1. You obviously need a poker room to play. Make sure to check out one of the best poker rooms, William Hill.  

 2. So, now you're playing at one of the poker rooms. You also have our range calculator available. You may have an idea how of the range of your opponents. But how to keep track of all opponents' PFR, VPIP, etc? Here comes Holdem Manager into the picture. Holdem Manager is a poker tracker software: it keeps track of your opponents' play and shows the most important statistics of a player while playing. A time-limited version is available free. This piece of software is a must to have - even for low stakes.  

 3. Ok, now you're using Holdem Manager , and see that your opponent is re-raising (4-bet) 4% of his hands. But what is exactly 4%? Is TT in it? Simply use our range calculator to get an idea of his range. Although - with one million simulations per hand - the calculator's results are reliable, always keep in mind that there are other factors to take into account: your image shown at the table, the last hands played, etc. You will see that combining HM and our calculator makes you play poker much more profitable. The Poker Hand Range calculator will help you to make the best poker reads - you will most likely be able to read you opponents' poker tells. Just enter a percent value and hit calculate. The tool will show the hand range for the given percent value.  

 4. Enjoy more profitable poker! 

Poker Hand Range Calculator Download

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This calculator allows you to visualize the equity of hands and ranges against other hands and ranges.

Not only does this calculator work for Holdem, it also works for Omaha Hi and Omaha Hi-Lo games as well.

To manually enter a hand/range, you can either type the exact cards in (such as "AsKs"), type in a range (such as "TT+", which includes TT, JJ, QQ, KK, and AA), or click the cards down below to select them.

These ranges work for both suited hands (represented as AKs), unsuited hands (like KQo), or both (like T9). Exact suits can also be specified by listing the suit after both card ranks, like QcJc for the Queen and Jack of Clubs.

To create a range in the PokerTracker 4 Equity Calculator, the first card must be higher ranking than the second card, if the hand range is not recorded in this order then PokerTracker 4 will automatically correct the range by reversing the order before performing the calculation. The range created will run from the lower card to the higher card entered.

To select a range of hands for a player, click the Sel button for that seat and choose Hand Range Selector... from the drop down menu. You can also use a random range of hands by selecting Random.

This brings up the Hand Range Selector window which allows you to select ranges in a variety of ways. For instance, you can manually click each hand you want to add to the range in the display above. Each hand highlighted in red is selected.

You can also drag the Include and Exclude bars down below. The more you drag the Include bar to the right, the more hands will be selected above. And by dragging the Exclude bar right you will deselect more and more strong hands. The exact range model used with the Include/Exclude bars can be changed from the Model drop-down menu to the left.

The Equity Calculator will launch and auto-populate with information such as your hole cards, the known board cards, etc. If villain's hand is unknown, it will assign a random range, but if villain's hole cards are known, they will also be auto-populated.

This allows for simple equity calculations and quick analysis when reviewing hands in the replayer. You are also able to change hands, ranges, board cards, etc, allowing you to review a single hand in a multitude of ways!

I've been looking for a range calculator online. It is a calculator that shows which hands are better over other hands and how much percent the chosen total range is. An example of a range calculator is this site:

PokerStove is the tool I've used in the past for range and equity calculations, although I'm sure there might be better and more readily available tools out there now. If I ask PokerStove for the top 10% of hands (which it actually rounds down to 9.8% for me), I get: 2351a5e196

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